Peter Elliston  

The man with a feather in his hair by Peter Elliston

July 2024 - The man with a feather in his hair

About the Image(s)

On a recent visit to to Newcastle in the north of England where we were exploring the city, I came across a very unusual man in the street who was friendly but more than somewhat unconventional. Wearing feather in his hair he engaged passers by and was more than happy to be photographed. So here he is but the question is do I leave the feather in or take it out and change the title? For some the feather may not be clear enough or even a distraction. But that was how he was. His somewhat demonic look seems to contrast quite well with his assorted religious neckwear. Taken on a Fuji XT3 1/60 @f5.6 ISO 200

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4 comments posted

Robin Mellor   Robin Mellor
The title, in fact, makes the viewer look straight away for the feather. Then the eye moves down to the face - as you say 'demonic'. Thank goodness there are oddballs like this around to make our world richer and to give us good photographic subjects. I like the central composition and the dark background, keeping attention on the subject. A picture that raises many questions - who is he? why that expression on his face? why the religious symbols? . . . and why the feather?
  Posted: 07/07/2024 15:51:14

Barbara Asacker   Barbara Asacker
Hi Peter,
You captured the evil in his eyes perfectly. I probably would not have approached this man since he looks more demonic than crazy. Nicely composed with sharp details. I would remove the feather in his hair. The story is in his eyes and sinister smile. Great job.   Posted: 07/07/2024 19:12:15

Kathleen McCrary   Kathleen McCrary
Peter--Unfortunately the feather doesn't read well at all and I would eliminate it. But, I think it's a very interesting portrait. I like the pyramid-shaped composition with his knees and hands at the bottom leading up to the very expressive face. I don't get a sense of demonic or evil; I see an interesting character who enjoys posing for photographs and probably thinks he's pretty photogenic - which he is. The cross necklaces add nice interest to the black tee shirt. I really like the balance between his face and his hands. I'm glad he's got the stubb of a roll-your-own between his fingers; perfect little detail. Nice work.   Posted: 07/21/2024 16:52:20

John Larson   John Larson
We just had a portrait contest in our local camera club. This image would have done well but I don't think it would have won. The winner had a very unusual and effective lighting plus shadow combination. the issue of the father is one of personal preference and I find it somewhat distracting even though the subject probably feels it give him a unique look.   Posted: 07/21/2024 22:54:14