Gary Vandemark  

Saguaro Resident by Gary Vandemark

July 2024 - Saguaro Resident

July 2024 - Gary Vandemark


About the Image(s)

Image info: Taken at Saguaro National Park East in Arizona on May 20, 2024.
Camera info: Canon M5 Mirrorless with 55-250mm lens set at 117mm; 1/640 sec; f/14; ISO 400.
Post processing: I used Lightroom to first crop the image, then used masking to brighten up the dove and parts of the cactus.

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6 comments posted

Barbara Asacker   Barbara Asacker
Hi Gary,
Nicely composed portrait of the dove. You captured good details and texture on the cactus. The dove is the subject and should be bright, which you accomplished. However, I think that the top of the cactus and its center should be less bright so that there is more contrast and separation between the cactus and the dove. I attempted to tone down the bright areas to give the dove more presence. In Lightroom using the brush I darkened the entire cactus. Using another brush I lightened the dove a bit. I also increased the contrast for the entire image. Great find.   Posted: 07/05/2024 17:19:17
Comment Image
Gary Vandemark   Gary Vandemark
Thank you, Barbara
I agree. It looks better with the center of the cactus not so bright.
Gary   Posted: 07/05/2024 18:53:47

Robin Mellor   Robin Mellor
I find this interesting, not the least because I live where there are no wild cactus plants! The detail is very good, even though this is a crop. I'm not so keen on the dark cactus on the right. Camera club judges are fond of saying things like 'You should have moved to the right to avoid including that', but, of course, they don't know that you might have ended up in a heap of other cacti, should you have done so. Perhaps you could tighten the crop on that side to make it just a dark edge because, in fact, it is the light edge to the right that really draws the eye. Lovely back light.   Posted: 07/07/2024 15:52:52

Peter Elliston   Peter Elliston
Gary, you did well to capture this and your cropping has improved the composition of the picture. I think Barbara's treatment also helps draw more attention to the bird. I do not mind the dark cactus on the right although Robin's suggestion is also a good one. It's amazing how this bird can do the without getting impaled!   Posted: 07/08/2024 08:39:00

Kathleen McCrary   Kathleen McCrary
Hi Gary--I agree with Barbara's version. I have been to this location and appreciate the diversity of plants and animals that thrive in this harsh environment. For me the subject is the contrast of the fragile-looking bird with the formidable cactus. I think a slightly tighter composition would bring this narrative forward more.   Posted: 07/21/2024 17:30:02

John Larson   John Larson
Ver nice image of the bird and the cactus. I like what Barbara did to increase the separation between the two of them. I would like to see more cropped off the bottom and make the image more horizontal.   Posted: 07/21/2024 23:31:55