Linda M Medine  

Untitled by Linda M Medine

December 2021 - Untitled

December 2021 - Linda M Medine


About the Image(s)

This image was taken at a reenactment at Camp Moore in Kentwood, Louisiana. Camp Moore was a Confederate training base and principal base of operations. This is a soldier that was dress in his uniform. It was a very interested history lesson. I was using a crop Nikon D500, 28 - 300mm lens, on 11/20/2021, 12:35, ISO 400, 1/500 and 5.6f. Used Lightroom and Photoshop to process this image.

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10 comments posted

Michael Hrankowski   Michael Hrankowski
(Groups 3 & 83)
Hi Linda. Great capture of an interesting and expressive model. He's well placed in the frame and I really like what you did with the background. Nice detail and sharp focus. My only wish is that there was a little more brightness in his face and eyes.   Posted: 12/03/2021 18:38:41

Lance Lewin   Lance Lewin
Good evening, Linda! These events are always educational, indeed, and even more exciting is they usually offer the photography-artist a lot of choice for capturing fine work. You have done so here.

The featured work is a dark and gritty interpretation and surely works appropriately when considering the subject, portraying an active soldier in war...but I will also explain an alternative that to some extent uses most of the well exposed features of our model: 1. the bokeh produced by your lens is beautiful and feel it actually compliments the subject, not detract from him. 2. the mans features reveal a gentle, but rugged individual, and I like this, too.

MY 5x7 crop offsets the subject to viewers-right as the soldier is looking to viewers-left, giving him somewhere to look. (Something that in most cases can not be achieved effectively in a studio shoot).

So, we are presented two version, both viable: the featured interpretation "creates", while the new version "presents" the actors features. The second visual exchange is the new version keeps the lens Bokeh as a supporting actor, instead of blurring this out for a more studio'ish look.

Two version, both viable, but each are completely different interpretations.
(Technical: I Dodged various parts of his face, neck, hair. Final version has a custom Copper-Silver tone.)
  Posted: 12/04/2021 03:59:10

Lance Lewin   Lance Lewin
Good evening, Linda! These events are always educational, indeed, and even more exciting is they usually offer the photography-artist a lot of choice for capturing fine work. You have done so here.

The featured work is a dark and gritty interpretation and surely works appropriately when considering the subject, portraying an active soldier in war...but I will also explain an alternative that to some extent uses most of the well exposed features of our model: 1. the bokeh produced by your lens is beautiful and feel it actually compliments the subject, not detract from him. 2. the mans features reveal a gentle, but rugged individual, and I like this, too.

MY 5x7 crop offsets the subject to viewers-right as the soldier is looking to viewers-left, giving him somewhere to look. (Something that in most cases can not be achieved effectively in a studio shoot).

So, we are presented two version, both viable: the featured interpretation "creates", while the new version "presents" the actors features. The second visual exchange is the new version keeps the lens Bokeh as a supporting actor, instead of blurring this out for a more studio'ish look.

Two version, both viable, but each are completely different interpretations.
(Technical: I Dodged various parts of his face, neck, hair. Final version has a custom Copper-Silver tone.)
  Posted: 12/04/2021 03:59:55
Comment Image
I am so glad you made some comments on my black and white. The cropping is a good idea. I never thought of that. Just like animals...... give them some room to move or go. Did you use photoshop and where did you get the copper river tone. Any time you see my work please give me more ideas. I love to learn. Thank you so much. Looking forward to your talk.   Posted: 12/16/2021 01:16:02
Lance Lewin   Lance Lewin
My, Dodging of the models clothes and face, and minor exposure alterations all in PSCC. BW conversion via Silver Efex-Pro 3, where I adjusted exposure a second time, and added the custom copper-silver toning.   Posted: 12/16/2021 11:36:10

Peter Elliston   Peter Elliston
Linda, I enjoyed seeing this and had I been there would have been pleased to get the opportunity to photograph him. You have captured him very well and also handled the processing well. Have you substituted the background? Probably not but the reason I ask is that I was looking at the stray hairs that are on his right side at the lower part of his hat which don't quite seem to match the original. I think the lighting on his face is fine but if you wanted to just add a touch extra exposure on his right eye, maybe.   Posted: 12/04/2021 09:57:37

Barbara Asacker   Barbara Asacker
Hi Linda,
Nice portrait. I like everything about your image. Black and white was a good choice. My only suggestion is to lighten the background to the same level as your original image. The subject seems to pop out against the lighter background in the original. Just my thoughts.   Posted: 12/05/2021 00:31:48

Great image, certainly looks like he's had a tough day. The details and texture are wonderful. I agree that perhaps lightening the background would help "pop" the image off the background more. Nice capture   Posted: 12/12/2021 16:44:02

Gerard Blair   Gerard Blair
Great portrait - great subject. And I especially like the handling of the background and you removed a lot that would have been distracting. I think your clarity and focus is bang on, which I assume was helped your choice of ISO 400 even on a sunny day to enable the 1/500 shutter speed. I always forget that myself and end up with shaky images as ISO 100.
I find the face a little too much in shadow for this subject who has much to say. I took the image into Nik's Silver Efex Pro to brighten and isolate the face a little - and to add a historically appropriate tone.   Posted: 12/12/2021 20:23:34
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Yes, I like what you did.   Posted: 12/13/2021 20:34:24