Kathleen McCrary
About the Image(s)
Camera: Canon S95
I do my daily walk in Seattle's second largest park which is a former naval air station. It has huge parking lots and the local fire companies sometimes use them for practice and training. Of course, I always have my camera with me just in case anything turns up.
3 comments posted
Peter Elliston
Kathleen, you did of course take this because you had spotted the link between the coiled hose and the round tyres of the fire vehicle?! Whatever, it works. I really like the story in this street photography shot. Whilst it is obvious what the firefighter is doing, it is less obvious what the guy with his arms aloft is doing which makes for an intriguing image.   Posted: 01/13/2025 09:44:41
Barbara Asacker
Nice shot, Kathleen. You captured a good story and composed it well. The firefighter walking into the frame rolling up the hose adds interest. Well exposed. I would prefer more contrast between the pavement and subject matter. Nicely done.   Posted: 01/14/2025 22:41:10
Robin Mellor
I think the man in the top right is watching a building burn down while his mate packs up ready to go home. Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it! You seem to be wedded to this pale sepia effect. I think this type of reportage shot is better in proper black and white and (as Barbara suggests) with a little more contrast. Also you could lose the loop of hose on the left. Great shot.   Posted: 01/20/2025 21:57:49