Roy Lockwood  

Purple Gallinule by Roy Lockwood

September 2023 - Purple Gallinule

About the Image(s)

Purple Gallinule taken at a treatment wetlands, Gainesville Florida. Nikon Z8, 800mm, ISO 1000, f6.2 and 1/1600.

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8 comments posted

Kathleen Sewell   Kathleen Sewell
Wow, that's a fancy bird! I love its position which shows off its vibrant colors and giant yellow 'feet'. I usually try to get wings sharp, but the 'soft' wing gives a fun sense of movement and the delicate lavender flowers add a nice balance.   Posted: 09/03/2023 02:29:06

Hans-Werner Griepentrog   Hans-Werner Griepentrog
Hi Roy, interesting photo of the Purple Gallinule. The short shutter speed of 1/1600 second was not enough to get the wings sharp. I find that just the slight blur of the wings give the photo a special dynamic.   Posted: 09/04/2023 08:31:40

Kathie Thomas   Kathie Thomas
Hi Roy, we have birds here in Australia that are so similar to these. Always fun to photograph. I love the blur of the front wing, while the head looks fairly sharp. I would have perhaps given it a bit more space on the right but otherwise it's good.   Posted: 09/04/2023 09:45:32

Jim Overfield   Jim Overfield
(Groups 9 & 21)
Roy, the exotic features, mix of different color and good exposure make this a really nice image. The catch light in the eye adds to the image as well. I might have tried to delete some of the branches to the left and upper right of the bird which, to me, distract slightly from the main focus of the bird. Still, everything else about this photo is fun to look at.   Posted: 09/04/2023 20:42:49
Roy Lockwood   Roy Lockwood
Better?   Posted: 09/07/2023 20:04:36
Comment Image
Jim Overfield   Jim Overfield
(Groups 9 & 21)
This is such a beautiful bird with all its physical features so clearly defined, and to my eye, it's much more fun to look at without the distractions. I didn't know such a creature existed! Really nice capture Roy.   Posted: 09/07/2023 20:27:09

Sylvia Williams   Sylvia Williams
(Groups 9 & 20)
Nice shot! This is a new bird for me. I like that you were able to capture its movement.   Posted: 09/05/2023 12:10:56

Julia Parrish   Julia Parrish
We have a lot of these here in South Carolina in the swamps and wetlands. They are so funny to watch. I like the capture of him in motion and the flowers add a nice detail. Very nice.   Posted: 09/24/2023 21:34:25