Member Bios
Group Admin
Peter Hornbostel, MPSA
Born in 1954. Residence Greater Hanover, Lower Saxony, Germany. On road with the camera since 1983. Different interests in analogue times nature, night, architecture. Seriously started taking digital photos 2011. Cameras Canon 550 D, 7D Mark II. Actual interests UNESCO world heritage Germany (life work on going), nature (specially birds and insects), night shots, lightpainting, lost places, architecture, reflections, table top (seasonal or workshops), sport (action, movement). Future interests monochrome, street, astronomy, electricity.
I'm on the road with friends (photowalks), in workshops (our photoclub or simply alone with much fun whoever will accompany me. So much beauty outside, let's gonna catch 'em!
I found a new photographic field: competitions. I participate about 100 international salons per year, mostly as a photographer, but also as a judge.
Dr Ernoe Barsi
I am a pensioner pediatrician, I enjoy taking photographs of nature, and usually of birds. I have fifteen years of experience, I participated in several photography contests both in Hungary and in abroad. I am living in north-west Hungary in a village, and for me better the online learning about nature photography.
Julia Parrish
I grew up in Virginia with a long career in retail management and information systems. The last 10 years were spent designing and developing applications for the Army and DoD. I moved to South Carolina in 2017 and retired in 2018. I live in an over 55 community with a very active and talented photography club. I have taken lots of classes and joined critique groups. I am a novice who is enjoying this hobby so much. I especially enjoy the nature and wildlife of the low country and combine my nature walks with photography. I also enjoy genealogy and still do some web development.
Roy Lockwood
I am retired. I spent 20 years as an Army pilot, then 23 years as a Federal Aviation Administration Pilot. I took up photography in 2019 taking a collage course. I like wildlife and mastering technical stuff, so wildlife photography has become a great hobby. I live in west central Florida so there are lots of birds.
Kathleen Sewell
I took up photography when I retired 6 years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it from day one! As I was new to photography, I began attending a couple workshops a year visiting many beautiful places and learning from both workshop leaders and participants. Having gravitated towards wildlife, which is frequently birds, I recently purchased a Sony a-1 camera. My lens of choice is generally the 100-400mm Zeiss, and I also like my new 70-200 2.8mm lens. I live in Sacramento, CA and docent at the Viewpoint Photography Gallery and occasionally have had a print up in one of the monthly exhibits. I look forward to seeing everyone's images in our study group as well as learning from your comments!
Butch Mazzuca
I hail from Chicago, Illinois, a graduate of the University of Dayton, and a former Naval Aviator (USMC). I spent my business career in Denver and after retiring I moved to Vail, Colorado in 1999 where I was a ski instructor for the Vail Ski School and wrote commentary for the Vail Daily Newspaper. I bought my first camera in 2008 for a trip to Africa, and my philosophy about photography can be summed up as follows: Impact, Visual Interest, and Storytelling are the fundamental characteristics that most often succeed in competitions and what I try to incorporate into my own photography and look for when reviewing images of others. I believe that light, composition, and technical proficiency are not stand-alone aspects in photography, rather they are the essentials necessary in creating impact and visual interest.
You can see my work on: Butch Mazzuca