Dawn Gulino  

Steptoe Lone Tree by Dawn Gulino

July 2024 - Steptoe Lone Tree

July 2024 - Dawn Gulino


About the Image(s)

Last week I visited the Palouse area of Washington and Idaho and shot this tree at sunrise. Steptoe peak was directly to the right, however I wanted to get the color directly behind the tree to create a silhouette.

Details and processingâ¬

This was a three frame, 2 stop bracket given the bright sky and dark foreground. Shutter speeds were .5 seconds, 1/8th of a second, and 2 seconds. ISO 64 at f/13 at 50mm.

First step was to merge the HDR in Lightroom to get the complete dynamic range of the three images. Once I did that, I adjusted highlights, shadows, vibrance, saturation. I increased the green hue a tiny bit on the Color Mixer as well as increasing all three colors in the Calibration. Once I had the global adjustments, I started with masks. Here I did sky (darkened a bit), tree (decreased shadows), foreground (increased whites and decreased highlights), a glow behind the tree mask to soften the sky only (increased whites, decreased texture, clarity and dehaze), and a right side ⬓glow⬠(increased temp a tiny bit) to match the left side as I felt it balanced it.

Next, while the camera was level, the ground didn’t look level as you can see if you look at the original. I warped it a tiny bit to make the horizontal line in front of the tree to be level. Last thing I did was to add a vignette around the image.

Looking forward to feedback on this one!

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13 comments posted

George Schlossnagle   George Schlossnagle
Dawn, this is gorgeous. So nice. I love the comp, and the processing is really on point. It feels very serene.

It's hard to tell for sure at the PSA size, but it looks like some edges of the sky mask inside the branches is imperfect (so you get sky color shifts inside the branch gaps). Again, it's hard to tell for certain at this size (and maybe the fact that I only think I see it means it's more than good enough). If you see it at full size though, there are some pretty simple ways to fix that in photoshop that I'd be happy to share.

As I stare at it longer on a small screen, it also looks like there's a vignette at least on the sky that is just a smidge too strong or where it could maybe be feathered more. I don't know why, but vignetting (and haloing) issues always seem more obvious on small screens. I know for my own part I've often shared images that looked great when I was editing them on a big monitor and when I see them on my phone the vignette is more obvious.

Both of these are really nitpicks though. Overall I'd be proud to hang this on my wall if it was mine!

  Posted: 07/07/2024 17:10:54
Dawn Gulino
Thanks George. I really like this one as well!

Love to hear how you'd fix the branch issues in Photoshop! I tried a new trick in Lightroom by putting a filter over the tree to soften the light a bit, then subtracted the object, in this case, the tree so that it didn't soften the tree -- this is what might have caused this issue.

As for your vignette observation, I think you're right. I like to add them to bring the viewers eyes to the subject, but give the silhouette of the tree, not sure I needed to add it.   Posted: 07/07/2024 18:14:17

George Schlossnagle   George Schlossnagle
On the vignette - I don't personally think you should remove it, just tone it down a bit. Everyone's aesthetic is different, but for me I use a 100% feathered vignette and adjust the amount so that I can't actually tell that it's there without disabling/enabling to compare.

For the halo removal: in photoshop I'll create a copy of the image (or stamp up a new merged-visible layer if I already have layers), then I'll use the clone stamp with 0 hardness and the brushes blend mode set to 'darker color'. I'll then sample the sky from as close to the area as possible and paint onto the bad area. It will then effectively replace the sky scraps with the color from the good area. With the darker color mode the dark tree/foreground will not be replaced. It's really pretty magical (if a little tedious).   Posted: 07/07/2024 18:50:17

George Schlossnagle   George Schlossnagle
I recorded a quick video to demonstrate the clone stamp thing: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VVr08M8zmWwMJWyWDqYngTo5MJpwZx-9/view?usp=drive_link   Posted: 07/08/2024 02:31:52
Dawn Gulino
Awesome -- Thanks George!   Posted: 07/08/2024 03:13:29

Darcy Quimby   Darcy Quimby
Your images and skills have come a long way. The only thing I would add IMO the grass look a little blue. Have you thought of using the point color in ACR.
Otherwise awesome image.   Posted: 07/16/2024 00:50:25
Dawn Gulino
Thanks for the suggestion Darcy!   Posted: 07/23/2024 02:41:24

Neil Bellenie
Dawn, this is beautiful. The colors of the sky are extraordinary and to me are the main interest of the picture. The tree is a pleasing shape. I would normally prefer a subject like this to be off center but here the central composition works. Your post processing skills are next level.   Posted: 07/16/2024 04:11:45
Dawn Gulino
Thanks Neil, I have a ton of images of this tree from that morning from different angles, different compositions, and different light. This was one of the first from the morning and I set up quickly to capture the color (darn truck was in front of us on the way there going way too slow.... :) )   Posted: 07/23/2024 02:36:30

Ed O’Rourke   Ed O’Rourke
I like the simplicity of the image with the silhouette of the tree being the single item of interest and no other elements in the image to distract from it. In my opinion the symmetrical composition works well with the tree right in front of where the sun is rising. I also find the soft key greens of the hills very soothing and, for me, helps to keep my attention on the tree. I think you did a great job.
  Posted: 07/17/2024 18:34:39
Dawn Gulino
Thanks Ed. This tree is pretty photogenic I have to say!   Posted: 07/23/2024 02:37:14

Paul Smith   Paul Smith
Ed may have said it best..."SIMPLICITY" It is beautiful.
You have a gift for the coloration of clouds and sky...BTW, the vignette was a great idea. I have questions understanding your use of HDR! When I shoot HDR, the variable is aperture. In yours, it appears that SS is the variable. Could you explain?
IMV, the star of your show is the tree silhouette. But a close supporting role goes to your pink and yellow clouds. Well done.   Posted: 07/17/2024 21:52:26
Dawn Gulino
Thanks Paul.

For my HDR, I set up my camera to bracket either three or five shots at two stops difference. It keeps the aperture the same and varies the shutter speed. When it's windy out, I have to be more careful with this.

If you want to do this manually, I'd shoot in either manual or aperture priority and shoot at exposure, change the shutter speed two stops under, then two stops over. Hope that makes sense, let me know if it doesn't.   Posted: 07/23/2024 02:41:01