Neil Bellenie
About the Image(s)
Death Valley is a great place to take pictures. Almost everywhere you look there is an astonishing view. Capturing it is another story as the cameras eye view does not reflect the magnificent scene that had lain before you. This picture is no exception as the view from the hill we had climbed was breath taking. It shows a wash between the 2 highpoint of the hill we were on and the mountains on the other side of the valley and of all the pictures I took that day it conveys something of the location.
Canon 5D, EF17-4 at 25mm. 1/250th at f/11. Post included increasing clarity and dehazing and reducing the extreme blue of the sky that this produced. In the low resolution version for posting on the PSA website it has a number of striations in the sky. An artifact of Lightroom’s file size reduction algorithm? I was unable to find a way to not have them present.
2 comments posted
For my taste you have a bit more sky than needed so perhaps it would look better if you cropped down from the top, but still leaving some sky to show. I think that might help diminish the effect of the striations in the sky that you mention and bring more attention to the wash and surrounding mountains.   Posted: 12/17/2024 17:52:33
Great shot
  Posted: 12/21/2024 19:32:31