Steve Cole  

Fledge Day by Steve Cole

July 2024 - Fledge Day

About the Image(s)

For several years a pair of Robins build a nest under my back porch deck in the exact same space. It is fun watching the Ma & Pa build the nest and after hatching the constant feeding of their offsprings. This year we had four eggs and all four hatched which has been the norm over the years. I made this photo early morning and said to myself ⬓today maybe the big dayâ¬. I ran a bunch of errands and when I returned they were gone. While I was disappointed in missing the fledgling, I was excited we had another successful year below the deck. Fuji XT5, 18-55 at 55 (83 Full Frame), f4.0, 1/30 sec, ISO 800, handheld. Processed in LR Classic using basic sliders and Topaz DeNoise.

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6 comments posted

Bruce Benson   Bruce Benson
Steve, great pose with all of the nestlings line up. It is a good thing they fledged, since the nest is full. Nice catch lights in their eyes add interest as well. Bruce   Posted: 07/04/2024 22:41:56

Tom Buckard   Tom Buckard
(Groups 21 & 48 & 71)
Super image and great story Steve. We had a similar story this year off of our sun room and somehow to our disappointment we missed the fledge also. They are all tack sharp and certainly an image with visual impact and interest.   Posted: 07/09/2024 01:02:36

Jerry Biddlecom   Jerry Biddlecom
The diagonal formed by the eyes is striking. Maybe just a bias on my part, but perhaps the upper left corner is a bit distracting and is not adding to the composition; the story here is the birds' pose and perhaps crop in to emphasize that aspect. Also, maybe play around with brightening the birds. Good story capture.   Posted: 07/18/2024 15:36:21
Comment Image

Cindy Marple   Cindy Marple
Yeah that is one full house - er nest! How cool that they lined up so well for you, that really makes the shot.
I would try brightening up the faces just a little bit, to bring them out of the shadows.
I like the composition as is because it shows the location. But I also like a crop from the left to emphasize the line of heads, I'd just leave the top and bottom as is to keep the breathing room.
Super cute and fun shot, lucky to have something like this at home!   Posted: 07/27/2024 19:20:33

Adrian Binney   Adrian Binney
Great capture Steve and you are lucky to be able to take pictures like this from home. The eyes certainly make this image! I would consider lighting the shadows of the birds (only) to bring a little more detail out. Cropping is very personal and yours and a slightly tighter crop both works for me.   Posted: 07/27/2024 21:56:18

Marge Barham   Marge Barham
(Group 38)
Well Steve, you didn't disappoint us when making us wait a month to see these little guys. Great finish to your story indeed. Love the pose and you did a good job lighting them while under the porch. I look forward to seeing next years hatch-lings, since you almost have the timing down perfect.   Posted: 07/28/2024 00:29:58