Member Bios

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Jerry Biddlecom

Jerry Biddlecom

I am originally from Buffalo, NY but have resided mostly in South Florida and live currently about halfway between Miami and Ft Lauderdale. I really got the photography bug from my dad, who was an avid amateur shooter (remember the Rollei twin lens reflex?). In the late 50s we moved out to the suburbs (West Seneca) where he constructed a well outfitted darkroom in the basement. It may have been a bit boring at the time but looking back I remember fondly going in to the darkroom and watching him develop rolls of film and print black and white images and the somewhat mysterious glow of the safety light in otherwise pitch black darkness. Fast forward a number of years and I found myself stationed in Germany with the U. S. Air Force, probably the best place to be in terms of traveling around Europe, and I knew I had to get into photography so as not to waste what might have been a once in a lifetime opportunity. Our base had a fully equipped darkroom where I came to learn my way around a darkroom. I also shot a lot of slides, but in hindsight now, I'm not exactly sure why!

Following military service there was a long gap of little or no picture taking (a combination of lack of time and lack of finances - mostly the latter). After I retired I started to get the itch again and bought my first digital camera, A Nikon D80. After that it was on to the D7000, and finally, wanting to go full frame, I purchased the D750. I still use the lenses I bought with the D80, which are the 18-70 mm,
the 50 mm f1.4, and the 70-300 mm telephoto.

Bruce Benson

Bruce Benson

Name: Bruce Benson
<br />Location: Tacoma, Washington
<br />Age: 72
<br />Occupation: Retired, 32 years elementary PE teacher Tacoma School District;
<br />Owner/Director "Benson Soccer USA" international soccer tours and soccer camps. We took over 1000 young soccer players around the world to participate in tournaments and training camps. Countries visited, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, England, Russia, Thailand, Argentina, Brazil.
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<br />My interest in photography began around 2004 photographing my grandkids' soccer games and making posters for them. IN 2005 a visit to Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge sparked my interest in wildlife and long lenses. My first entry into a PSA competion ,the NW International Exhibition of Photography resulted in a gold medal Best of Show image and I was hooked. I started studying Photoshop and used the internet to find the best locations for wildlife. My sports photography was providing some income selling posters to soccer players allowing me to purchase a 100-400 lens and a Canon 20D camera. Selling my beloved Mazda Miata sports car
<br />provided the money to by a 400 2.8. My travels around the world provided the opportunity to photograph images for soccer tournaments in Sweden, Denmark Spain Uganda and England for use in their brouchures. In Sweden, I met the editor of Svenskdam Fotboll, a national magazine for female soccer.
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<br />I have been providing images and articles for him including covering the womens world cup in Vancouver.
I was raised near Yellowstone National Park and soon realized how fun it was to photograph wildlife. My favorite subjects are foxes, grizzly bears, and birds, especially owls and eagles.


You can see my work on:

Sanat Kumar Karmakar

Sanat Kumar Karmakar

I am an indian senior citizen, ex-employee of an Indian PSU. During my services my special assignment was ERP through SAP MM module. Photography is my serious hobby since my days of collage studies. I love to photograph during travel in my country. Landscape, waterscape and loudscape are my subjects of interest. In addition, travel photography also attracts my attention including historical monuments. Earlier I used analogue SLR cameras. Presently I am using Nikon DSLR with a few lens. I am also holding AFIAP and a life member of Federation of Indian Photography. I am one of the followers of Late Benu Sen, the famous photographer and writer of Kolkata, India.
I have joined PSA to concentrate more in photography.

You can see my work on:

Steve Cole

Steve Cole

I consider myself to be a serious amateur who makes photographs across a variety of genre. Printing and exhibiting my photography have been my principal focus since retiring in 2013 from University of Wisconsin-Stout. I have exhibited in over hundred art shows over the past ten years. I am an active member and participant with Red Cedar Photographers Group, Valley Art Association, Beaver Creek Reserve Photo Club, Western Wisconsin Photo Club, Chippewa Valley Cultural Association, and Wisconsin Chapter of the Photographic Society of America.
I live in Menomonie, WI on country lot (2 acres-600 foot driveway) surrounded by farm fields, creeks, and woodland. Most of my bird photography is done on/about my home. I am big believer in doing "drive abouts" on the county roads near my home with a 100-400 lens on a Fuji XT5 on the seat next to me. We also travel about the midwest (few trips out west too) during the summer in a motorhome which affords me more opportunities for my photography.

You can see my work on: Current Web Page-Flickr and VAA MEMBER GALLERY and INSTAGRAM

Adrian Binney, PPSA, LRPS

Adrian Binney, PPSA, LRPS

I am retired (64 as at 2018) and keen to devote more time to photography and traveling. My photography started 40 years ago with a home darkroom and like many, was kickstarted again with digital SLR's becoming affordable. I was a Canon man - 5 and 7 bodies, with many L series lenses, but sold the whole lot in 2015 due to weight issues. I now use an Olympus EM1X with many of their Pro series lenses and I don't regret the move! The quality of the glass is fabulous!

I have travelled to many USA National Parks (Yellowstone a firm favourite, especially in Winter) but now shoot very little landscapes. My wife and I love traveling - Africa, Asia and Costa Rica has been our focus over the last 4 years. We also love going to Zoos and bird reserves, so nature shots don't need to come from far-off locations.

I am Secretary and Committee Member of our Camera Club [Winchester, UK] and enjoy very much helping to run a large club - 200 members. I have learnt a lot from being surrounded by many good photographers (particularly in use of Lightroom and what makes a good competition image), but know I have much more to learn!

I gained LRPS in 2019 (the first Distinction level of UK's Royal Photographic Society) and PPSA in July 2021 through stars in Nature and Travel.

Cindy Marple

Cindy Marple

I am retired and living in the Phoenix area in Arizona. Photography has been a lifelong interest, starting with a Kodak Instamatic X-15 camera received for Christmas while in grade school. Nature subjects have always been the primary interest, starting with landscapes and flowers. When digital came along, it made it easier to pursue wildlife and birds, and today birds are my favorite subject.

I love to travel and have taken many photo tours and workshops over the years. Since I retired I’ve been able to do more of that, and have now visited all 7 continents. My favorite locations are remote polar regions, and more recently I’ve enjoyed the tropical regions of Central and South America where the bird life is incredible. When not traveling I spend a lot of time at a local Riparian Preserve photographing birds.

I’m an active member of several local camera clubs. I enjoy giving programs for photo clubs and local Audubon chapters, as well as judging for other local clubs.

You can see my work on my Smugmug page: