Cindy Marple
About the Image(s)
About: I also went to New Mexico in early December, missed Bruce by a few days I think, but we went to the same places. This Sandhill Crane was also photographed at the refuge in Bernardo. With so many birds, there are plenty of opportunities; the challenge can be to isolate one among the thousands! This bird is setting up for landing, with the “landing gear” down and wings open gliding in. I’ll echo Bruce’s comments about the sheer spectacle of being there. (My Group 67 image this month reflects some of that. ) Nikon Z8, 600mm, 1/1600 f/9 ISO640. Post: Cropped and rotated the image, brightened slightly with the white point of the levels tool.
6 comments posted
  Posted: 01/08/2025 03:54:16