Charles Walker  

Glacial Valley by Charles Walker

July 2024 - Glacial Valley

July 2024 - Charles Walker


About the Image(s)

This is a photograph of a vast glacial valley in Iceland. In Camera Raw I raised the shadows and lifted the
details. To convert it to monochrome I used Nik Efex Pro with the High Structure (smooth) option then
applied Topaz to reduce noise. Camera data: Nikon 7Zii, f/14. 1/800, 20mm, ISO=200.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
5 comments posted

Trey Foerster   Trey Foerster
(Groups 56 & 76)
Charles, you have a strong foreground (bottom third), mid-ground (middle third), and background (top third). The horizon line is level. You enhanced the clouds quite a bit, but I think you forgot to do the same with the reflection in the foreground since the waters are so calm. I would darken the bottom left corner triangle of noticeable rocks a tad since your bottom right is that way and would provide more contrast for the foreground. Though Iceland has a lot of black rock, I wondered why you chose B&W rather than color. The sky's blue color helps bring out the white of the snow, IMHO. Overall, I think this is a strong landscape image and one to keep for the ages.   Posted: 07/21/2024 16:18:11
Charles Walker   Charles Walker
Solid suggestions and useful comments Trey. It is B&W because of Ansel Adams. I will follow your advice darkening the bottom left triangle and working on the clouds in the reflection. Thanks for the help.   Posted: 07/21/2024 23:57:02
Trey Foerster   Trey Foerster
(Groups 56 & 76)
Ansel is someone to admire and strive to imitate!   Posted: 07/22/2024 00:09:11

Mark Fox   Mark Fox
This image does call Ansel Adams to mind. Was it your original intent color or B&W: either way it is a dramatic capture. I did find the bottom 1/3 a bit too black and the reflected clouds a bit too dark. It is a beautifully balanced phono. Definitely a keeper.

Mark   Posted: 07/23/2024 17:20:17

Quang Phan   Quang Phan
Hi Chuck, I really appreciate capturing scenes like this to see the vast, serene, yet majestic beauty of nature: the sky, clouds, and water. In my opinion, the composition is perfect. The colors and lighting are carefully handled to avoid overexposure in the brightest areas. Both the color and black & white versions are beautiful; the B&W version, in particular, shows the time you took to carefully blend the shades with the right contrast. The only point is that when you posted the photo, I think you couldn't maintain a higher resolution. Could you send me the RAW or PSD file? I can perform some techniques to help with the small size but high resolution. Thank you very much.   Posted: 07/24/2024 19:20:36