Charles Walker
About the Image(s)
Have you ever composed a photograph while driving? An image presented itself to me while driving
into a small seaside town in Iceland. The original photo reflects my impulsiveness. It’s rough. To render
the final image I cropped it, squared the horizon, heightened the whites in the church and darkened the
grays in the sky to make the church standout more, then tweaked the H/V ratio to capture more of the
reflection, and finally, increased saturation a tad and reduced noise using Topaz. Camera data: Nikon
Z7ii, f/18, 1/50, 40mm, ISO=200.
1 comment posted
Hi Charles, This is a powerful image, and you've made the structure on the hill jump out.I felt the reflection in the original captured my eye faster. I know that sky reflections are frequently darker, but I suggest lightening up the structure reflection even more, which would capture the eye better without taking the initial focus off the hero in the shot. Please educate me. What is H/V. Im guessing hue/?   Posted: 02/05/2025 02:56:38