Mark Fox
About the Image(s)
This shot was taken shortly after a strong thunderstorm passed through the area. I was fortunate to be in a position to capture the double rainbow, while the sun setting behind me highlighted the far shoreline, where the clocktower was my subject. In post-processing I tried several crops but decided on SOOC.
(Shot with a Canon SX-50)
2 comments posted
Brian Howard
I like the crop - but the original isn't available for comparison. The one thing I noticed on this one is the colors are subdued due to the lighting conditions. Brightening up the photo and bringing back the colors just a little would really make the rainbow "pop". The brick in the tower would also add to the photo with a little LR magic.   Posted: 11/21/2024 01:08:13
Brian Menzies
Hi Mark.
A fortunate moment captured well. I would be inclined to crop tighter on the L/H and bottom. The second rainbow doesn't visually hit the ground so crop close to the full rainbow, just to the point you feel comfortable then crop at least half of the water out. The effect of doing this is the rainbow becomes more prominent.   Posted: 11/21/2024 03:07:49
A fortunate moment captured well. I would be inclined to crop tighter on the L/H and bottom. The second rainbow doesn't visually hit the ground so crop close to the full rainbow, just to the point you feel comfortable then crop at least half of the water out. The effect of doing this is the rainbow becomes more prominent.   Posted: 11/21/2024 03:07:49