Don Chen  

Acadia National Park by Don Chen

July 2024 - Acadia National Park

About the Image(s)

This is an image I took last month when I visited Acadia National Park. I went to Jordan Pond in the early evening with the intention of photographing the sunset. Upon arriving, I realized there wouldn't be a visible sunset due to the cloudy, overcast weather conditions.

However, I really liked the calm, tranquil feeling of the scene. I set up my tripod and took numerous shots when the breeze stopped to get better reflections in the water. I am happy with the one I got.

Tech details: Sony A7C with 20-70mm lens (28mm focal), 2 sec. exposure. LR b/w conversion plus additional tweaks with PS and Nik Silver Efex.

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6 comments posted

Lance Lewin   Lance Lewin
Beautiful scene, Don!

Total focus from front to back ... suggesting, that along with the (Dof) we expect from a wide angle lens, you also used a small aperture. Alternatively, focus stacking will give similar results. Can you confirm the technical details?

The exposure and final interpretation is vivid and authentic. Great work!   Posted: 07/07/2024 11:03:48

Michael Hrankowski   Michael Hrankowski
Don, what a stunning landscape! I think it is a perfectly composed and balanced shot. The foreground rock plays off the two hills in the background and the light and shadow in the lake draw my eye in. Beautiful tonality throughout and expertly edited. Curious... the submerged rocks are clearly visible and I'm wondering was the water really that clear, or did you use a polarizer? Very nicely done.   Posted: 07/08/2024 22:07:01
Don Chen   Don Chen
Thank you Michael for your encouragement. To answer your question, I did not use polarizer, the water was very clear.   Posted: 07/10/2024 04:47:28

Michel Biedermann   Michel Biedermann
I love how the rock in the foreground looks like it could embedded itself in the reflection of the hills in the background. Your work here definitely invites the gaze to spend time touring the entire picture. Job well done!   Posted: 07/09/2024 17:37:59

Elsie Allen

This is beautifully executed and good use of a cloudy day! While the overall scene is serene, the rock creates a bit of tension that keeps me engaged.   Posted: 07/10/2024 03:15:24

Adi Ben-Senior   Adi Ben-Senior
This is ART! The proportions of the crop, the subject, exposure, reflections, histogram, details, texture, its all there and well done. Well done   Posted: 07/11/2024 14:06:35