Michael Hrankowski  

Feeding Time by Michael Hrankowski

February 2025 - Feeding Time

About the Image(s)

While walking the streets of Paris this past September, I came across these two guys feeding a huge flock of pigeons. I set my camera to capture the scene and as I approached, several of the birds took flight.

Digitally registered with my Leica Q3; 28mm fixed lens, 1/250 sec; f/5.6; ISO 250
All edits including mono conversion done in Lightroom Classic

2 comments posted

Elsie Allen
Hi Michael,

This is a great image with the exception of the bird on the right looking as though it is eating that poor fellow's face. Unlike the man on the left, the fact he is feeding the birds is not readily evident. I suggest cropping the right side.

The looks on the faces of the woman, little girl and men behind the fence are priceless! They really draw me into the picture.   Posted: 02/05/2025 15:57:17
Michael Hrankowski   Michael Hrankowski
Thanks, Elsie. ...in street photography sometimes you click the shutter to capture a fleeting moment and one gets what one gets. I found it amusing while trying to picture a pigeon (Zombie Pigeon?) eating a man's face!

Would you show me your suggested crop? Thanks.   Posted: 02/06/2025 17:50:19


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