Don Chen
About the Image(s)
For this month, I am sending a picture with two versions - just different cropping. I would like to get comments from fellow group members.
This picture was taken at the Illinois Railroad Museum after dark. In the (Original) cropping, I wanted to use the tracks as a leading line toward the engine, but I felt the empty space on the left was too much. Therefore, I cropped it a little more to make the engine more dominant. In this (Featured) version, however, the tracks seemed to serve only as part of the frame, which detracted from my original intention. I appreciate all your comments.
Tech details: ISO 8000, f/6.3, 1/100s, the train was still and there were some street/spot lights around. It was B/W converted in Lightroom, Photoshop was used to remove and clean bunch of wires and distractions.
8 comments posted
This is really a well framed and processed work. I like both frames.
Most will prefer the Featured (closer) crop, where I am more about defining a sense of "place". As such, the Original both defines place, as well, helps give a sense of motion, because viewers see a direction for the train to move, as you already eluded to.
The featured work is more about a Train Portrait, and the effects of motion is diluted because viewers senses of "direction" are less powerful.
Question: it is interesting to see star-light burst from the station lights with F/6.3, usually, a small aperture creates this much star-burst ... can you shed light on this?   Posted: 01/02/2025 12:28:24
In regard to the star burst question, it's very interesting. I went back to examine the raw image, and the star trails were registered even with f/6.3, the lens used is Sony 20-70mm f/4 G, but the burst trails became more visible after I hit the 'Auto' button in Lightroom - which I often use to see what the software suggests. I am attaching both the before and after 'Auto' button images below.
  Posted: 01/11/2025 17:39:16
Thank you, Don!   Posted: 01/11/2025 18:50:57
For the train image I think I prefer the wider crop for its expansion of the sense of place as per Lance's comments. For me, the longer leading lines of the tracks pull me in more so than the tighter composition. Nice tonality and detail. Well conceived and captured!   Posted: 01/08/2025 16:18:48
I too favor the wider crop because, a Lance has commented, it provides a sense of motion.
The star bursts are a nice touch. But, I think in the featured version they are a bit too intense. The softer look in the appears more natural to me.   Posted: 01/12/2025 03:49:13