Lance Lewin
About the Image(s)
From the limited series of work titled "Metamorphose" registered on B&W film, and are results of in-camera Double exposures. Early morning light and rolling fog are key elements that caught my attention while vacationing in Blue ridge, Ga.
The resulting image should imbue both "Yugen" and "Rasa Theory" notions of Japanese and Indian aesthetics respectively: imbuing both mystery, and ... 'an essential element of any work of visual, literary, or performing art that (can only be suggested, not described) ...' respectively.
Hopefully the spectator enjoys a moment of contemplative intrigue when studying the work.
This round’s discussion is now closed!
11 comments posted
Michael Hrankowski
Lance, I think you achieved your goal. Interesting and mysterious made all the more so by the atmosphere and intense graininess of your image. I like it a lot.   Posted: 11/07/2024 00:09:28
Lance Lewin
Thank you, Michael. : )   Posted: 11/12/2024 11:26:18
Elsie Allen
The subtlety captured in this image is very pleasant. I like the grain, too.
The fog is real! It seems to have obliterated blackness.
When choosing double exposure, does it matter which image is taken first? Does the first image have dominance?   Posted: 11/07/2024 23:12:26
The fog is real! It seems to have obliterated blackness.
When choosing double exposure, does it matter which image is taken first? Does the first image have dominance?   Posted: 11/07/2024 23:12:26
Lance Lewin
Good question Elsie: not necessarily which image is recorded first, but which image has more prominence due to its luminosity or perhaps, how bold the shape/structure of the "thing" is, compared to other accompany/surrounding artifacts due to lighting and shadows, for example.
For example, the foreground trees are more prominent because they were not partially obscured by fog.   Posted: 11/12/2024 11:34:55
For example, the foreground trees are more prominent because they were not partially obscured by fog.   Posted: 11/12/2024 11:34:55
Michel Biedermann
Lance, this picture is a brilliant example of something that can only be done in analog film. At least, I don't know how to ADD noise to a picture. Everyone always wants to remove it, even buying plugins that specialize in that. However, in your case it really adds a great dimension to the picture, even getting more prominent through the landscape layers.   Posted: 11/27/2024 16:01:37
Lance Lewin
Really appreciate your positive comments, Michel: Actually, many Digital cameras have the ability to register double exposures, but of the course, the resulting picture is more antiseptic, or less organic because there will be no film grain adding to the pictures overall esthetic.
  Posted: 11/30/2024 11:44:00
  Posted: 11/30/2024 11:44:00
Adi Ben-Senior
whats the double Exposure ?
This is a prove that grain and low contrast are good !
well done
  Posted: 11/29/2024 22:37:35
This is a prove that grain and low contrast are good !
well done
  Posted: 11/29/2024 22:37:35
Lance Lewin
Good question, Adi: the exact scene was registered twice with very little change in the direction of the lens.
Of course, the 'low contrast' is part of the artistic direction this, and (other) like images offer: the low contrast offer viewers a calming effect ... and in this way, I hope the early morning experience I enjoyed is realized.   Posted: 11/30/2024 11:38:29
Of course, the 'low contrast' is part of the artistic direction this, and (other) like images offer: the low contrast offer viewers a calming effect ... and in this way, I hope the early morning experience I enjoyed is realized.   Posted: 11/30/2024 11:38:29
Adi Ben-Senior
I definitely agree with the low contrat and the effect it has.
Why double exposure?   Posted: 11/30/2024 15:34:23
Why double exposure?   Posted: 11/30/2024 15:34:23
Lance Lewin
Why incorporate a Double Exposure?
Simply, to generate more interest in an otherwise familiar landscape aesthetic.   Posted: 11/30/2024 16:27:53
Simply, to generate more interest in an otherwise familiar landscape aesthetic.   Posted: 11/30/2024 16:27:53
Don Chen
I enjoyed it very much by viewing this piece of artwork!   Posted: 11/30/2024 01:01:58