Kathleen Colligan  

Blue Dasher by Kathleen Colligan

September 2023 - Blue Dasher

About the Image(s)

This Blue Dasher dragonfly was spotted at Bashakill Wetlands Preserve in Wurtsboro NY USA last month.
Taken very close at eye level with Sony Rx10iv ISO100 F3.5 1/400 sec Dragonflies can be easy to shoot because they will often rest on the tall grasses .

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13 comments posted

Kathleen Colligan
Here it is cropped?   Posted: 09/12/2023 12:54:56
Comment Image

Jerry Taylor   Jerry Taylor
I've tried many times to catch this image. You have more than caught the image -- the DOF is great.   Posted: 09/12/2023 14:41:22
Kathleen Colligan
thanks Jerry
  Posted: 09/12/2023 22:35:36

Andrew Klein   Andrew Klein
The bug images are so interesting...probably because each is so unique. Great shot.   Posted: 09/12/2023 14:46:53
Kathleen Colligan

thank you   Posted: 09/12/2023 22:36:26

Keith Francis   Keith Francis
Excellent shot! Really like how you have placed him in the image.

I wonder why f/3.5. Looks like you could have bumped it up and used a faster shutter or slightly higher ISO and got the entire wings in sharp focus. Having said this, I do like the softness of the background, so maybe f/3.5 is the best setting.   Posted: 09/12/2023 17:19:47
Kathleen Colligan
It was so small that I used the this F stop . I will try using your suggestions next time. Thanks   Posted: 09/12/2023 22:40:19
Keith Francis   Keith Francis
Hi Kathleen, I feel that I should apologize to you. I certainly did not mean to be telling you how to set your camera f-stop. I hope I haven't offended you. I was just thinking a smaller f-stop would give you increased DOF. General consensus on your image is that the sharpness is excellent. Maybe my eyes are getting too old? LOL   Posted: 09/13/2023 19:22:09
Kathleen Colligan
Please don't think that. I welcome your suggestions! I still don't have a firm understanding of settings being new to photography after I retired   Posted: 09/13/2023 20:03:40

Laurie McShane
Perfect composition, creamy background, and wonderfully sharp head and right wing. Yes, the left wing is soft, but because of the sharpness of the rest, that doesn't bother me. More interest was created by the unique (to me) way it's holding onto the stick. Very cool shot.   Posted: 09/12/2023 21:09:44
Kathleen Colligan
thank you, Laurie   Posted: 09/12/2023 22:40:49

Prasad Indulkar   Prasad Indulkar
wow , this image you should send to sony world , they would be happy to showcase this in the RX10M4 website page. its nearly perfect Macro image from a Bridge camera without any additional accessories.   Posted: 09/13/2023 05:22:08
Kathleen Colligan
thank you! I love this camera . It does most anything without changing lenses.   Posted: 09/13/2023 11:06:14