Laurie McShane  

Riding the Waves by Laurie McShane

January 2025 - Riding the Waves

About the Image(s)

A couple weeks ago, my husband and I went out to catch the sunrise on Lake Superior which, unfortunately, was kind of a dud. However, just as we were starting to pack up, we noticed some young men getting their surfboards off of their vehicles, and heading out to the frigid lake. Keep in mind it was 5 degrees above zero at the time. You can see the sea smoke above the water, which is formed when it gets that cold. I had heard about people surfing Lake Superior but never had the good fortune to witness it before. This was taken at ISO 640, 105mm, F6.3, and 1/2500sec with my 24-105mm lens. I was kicking myself for not having my 600mm along, but you make do with what you have, right?

This was cropped some, highlights and shadows adjusted, and a little dehaze and clarity applied. I look forward to your ideas to improve it. Thanks!

9 comments posted

Prasad Indulkar   Prasad Indulkar
wow , superb composition, it was actually good that you shot this at 105mm, as we get to see the complete scene and environment , if you did have 600mm I am sure you would have gone in much tighter trying to get the action and facial expressions of the surfer, and would have missed framing one like this . I love the complete balance in the image and how you have perfectly put your main subject in the 1/3rd spot on left , waves are also very strong and dramatic.   Posted: 01/08/2025 02:07:42
Laurie McShane
Thank you, Prasad. That means a lot.   Posted: 01/08/2025 02:31:42

Jerry Taylor   Jerry Taylor
I love images that reflect the green of the water at the curving of a wave. You are a brave woman to be out in the 5-degree weather with a camera. I would not change a thing.   Posted: 01/08/2025 17:09:24
Laurie McShane
Thanks, Jerry   Posted: 01/11/2025 15:40:44

Keith Francis   Keith Francis
I think a case can be made for a closer shot (seeing how the surfer is bundled up rather than in a skimpy bathing suit would have been interesting) but having said this, I totally agree with Prasad and Jerry, the composition is excellent and I really like the spray behind the surfer extending to the right.

Well done!   Posted: 01/08/2025 17:45:43
Laurie McShane
Thanks, Keith   Posted: 01/11/2025 15:41:13

Andrew Klein   Andrew Klein
As you may remember from some of my previous submissions, I love the water at the shore. The water, with the spray coming out of the top of the wave is just great. I see a picture inside this picture. How about eliminating the bottom third of the picture? This would increase the proportion of the figure and retain the majesty of the wave and its crest.   Posted: 01/08/2025 19:13:00
Laurie McShane
Andrew, thanks, I like that idea...   Posted: 01/11/2025 15:41:47

Kathleen Colligan
Very "cool" photo! Yikes, you would think he would get frostbite doing this. You were there at a perfect time with him, riding those waves leading into the sea smoke.   Posted: 01/11/2025 19:17:35


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