Laurie McShane
About the Image(s)
This was a shot from my grandson's football game last year (he's not in this one). Anyway, I'm trying to get better at sports photography, but am not positive how others might look at my images. This was shot at
1/1000 second, ISO 1600, 200mm, and F6.3. I am interested in what you may think....
7 comments posted
Keith Francis
I think you have captured a great shot here. The story is one boy making the catch while a second one tries to stop him. Lovely action in all 3 boys and really like how 2 of the by's feet are off the ground. Your shutter selection was perfect for capturing the detail. I can't think of any suggestions. Well done!   Posted: 12/06/2024 01:37:46
Laurie McShane
Thanks, Keith   Posted: 12/08/2024 15:28:31
Prasad Indulkar
I agree with Keith entirely.
Great shot , and you have captured the moment like a pro.   Posted: 12/08/2024 14:06:39
Great shot , and you have captured the moment like a pro.   Posted: 12/08/2024 14:06:39
Laurie McShane
Thank you, Prasad   Posted: 12/08/2024 15:29:04
Kathleen Colligan
I agree with all of the above! My first reaction was seeing them with their feet off the ground, and I thought about how this makes you feel the action. Great image!   Posted: 12/08/2024 15:49:38
Laurie McShane
Thanks, Kathleen!   Posted: 12/09/2024 12:10:33
Jerry Taylor
All the above comments are a big "ditto" for me, especially the feet off the ground.   Posted: 12/09/2024 20:58:57