Randall Gusdorf  

Gulls cruising the glacier by Randall Gusdorf

July 2024 - Gulls cruising the glacier

July 2024 - Randall Gusdorf


July 2024 - Randall Gusdorf

Original 2

About the Image(s)

While in Alaska, we took a helicopter ride to the Glacier, and on the return flight at the end of the Glacier, this was the scene. Taken on June 28, 2024 with a Fujifilm 100 II, 45-100 zoom lens at 45mm (full frame equivalent 30mm), f4.0, 1/3200/s, iso 1000. I used Lightroom to crop and adjusted exposure, contrast, blacks, dehaze, clarity, texture, whites, etc.

I found so many possible variations, and while partial to the bnw chosen, I do like the blue rendition and crop alternative. I wonder what might be most successful, and ask for input. I am open to suggestions, and alternative crops, colors, and / or ideas. I love this pic, but not sure what I like the best.

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5 comments posted

Angela Bonner   Angela Bonner
I think I like both crops but overall prefer the blue version. Makes a great abstract image. Looking at the original I can see that there are more images to be seen!!! I have to say that a cabbage leaf comes to mind when I look at the blue one but that is probably my strange mind!!! I like the blue and I believe that glaciers do have a blue tinge to them?
The two birds on the far left side I find a bit distracting and could be easily cloned out?
Great image well done.
  Posted: 07/08/2024 14:45:28

Kurt Reinhard
Very creative Randall. I see where you took the image from the original, and by enlarging that portion, the gulls are larger, and the both the BNW and the blue version give the impression that the gulls are flying into a cave. I tend to be partial to BNW, but in this case it is a little spooky. The blue version is better this way. I agree with Angela that the gulls on the left are distracting. There are also some white dots in the background that you could retouch. Great image.   Posted: 07/09/2024 23:35:22

Rose Norman   Rose Norman
I also like both crops but prefer the blue as it gives a "cold" feel to the image which would be appropriate for ice caves. Like Angela, my first impression (before looking at the title) was of cabbage leaves. I agree with the others about eliminating the two birds on the left and deleting the white spots.
What a fun way to take photos! I am surprised that the photo was so clear as the only time I was in a helicopter, I found it rather choppy and would be hard to take a clear photo. I understand why you would use a 1/3200 shutter speed. Well done.   Posted: 07/10/2024 19:41:28

Janet McLaughlin   Janet McLaughlin
I, also, like the blue version, Randall. It gives a "cool" feel to the glacier. I like the crop…it looks like the glacier is flowing towards the viewer. The birds almost look surreal, but they definitely add to the photo. I like that you can see their shadows as I think it adds depth to the lovely texture. I would be hanging that on my wall!! Great shot!   Posted: 07/17/2024 00:33:15

Jo-Ann Rolle   Jo-Ann Rolle
While I appreciate all three compositions, I'm particularly drawn to the black-and-white one in the original set. The uncropped photo provides a mysterious composition that feels both abstract and ominous. The gulls seem to be part of the broader universe, integrated into the lines of the scene.

It must have been a wonderful experience to see the world from a helicopter. Well done, Randall! Thank you for sharing this beautiful scene in Alaska.   Posted: 07/29/2024 15:05:10