Bob Legg
About the Image(s)
I kid you not. I enjoy making images that probably shouldn't should have stayed in the waste pile. In this case, Woodstock VT garden waste after frost and the wheelbarrow was the blue background. In the shadow of the warn and iso 3200, 210mm,f11, 1/160 sec. I used Topaz Studio to mask the parts I wanted to be shown and used motion zoom to blur the entire image and the opacity slider to reveal the details.
5 comments posted
Hi Bob, this is amazing, just love how you've turned a bunch of pruned flowers in a wheelbarrow and turned into a lovely piece of work. I like the "zoom" blur and personally would prefer to have just the white flower in the center in focus while all surrounds blurred our and adding their colours. Nice job. Is "zoom" blur in Studio 2?   Posted: 02/15/2025 10:08:18
Hi Nadia. I appreciate your suggestion. Yes in Studio 2, sorta hid in the motion filters and then it should show as the top of the 4/5 filters. Also there is a white panel that shows after selection on one of the motion filters and to the right is a choice of motion masks. I generally use the brush or center selection as they are both using some sort of Ai to select the intended subject. They are no way as accurate as the Adobe selection tools. BTW note the copy/paste/inverse to change your selection to a future mask.
  Posted: 02/15/2025 15:34:04
  Posted: 02/15/2025 15:34:04
Thanks Bob, I will explore "zoom" blur tool in Studio 2. I'm back to using this program after an absence of a few years. Thanks for renewing my interest in it.   Posted: 02/21/2025 10:30:41
It's an interesting concept and a nice abstract. For me, there are quite a few light spots that sort of have me looking all around the image even though the white flower is presumably the main focus. It is a great example of why not to trash everything until you try a couple of ideas. Sometimes abstracts, sometimes just cropping or masking a small part of an image can turn it into a keeper.
Just for kicks, I tried the Polar Coordinate "warp" with it.   Posted: 02/18/2025 20:40:46
Just for kicks, I tried the Polar Coordinate "warp" with it.   Posted: 02/18/2025 20:40:46
Hi Bob. I love the impressionistic presentation of this pile of flowers. The colors are beautiful and your motion zoom blurring worked very well. My only suggestion would be to further blur the little flower bunch to the middle right of the white bloom. This would be gorgeous as a large canvas print!   Posted: 02/20/2025 20:40:54