Syed Shakhawat Kamal, APSA, PPSA  

Plumeria pudica by Syed Shakhawat Kamal, APSA, PPSA

November 2024 - Plumeria pudica

November 2024 - Syed Shakhawat Kamal, APSA, PPSA


About the Image(s)

This Plumeria pudica was captured while it was winter in our country. This image was captured from the farm house called ASTRAS in Pabna area of Bangladesh; I visited the farm on 8th December in 2022. The ASTRAS remain filled with many gardens of seasonal flowers. Whenever I get an opportunity I use it as much as possible to shoot the flowers from those beautiful gardens.

I used my Samsung S 23 Ultra mobile's camera for the images (It was a late morning and I shot hand held & without gimbal). with no flash compulsory, I captured the image. I used Photoshop CS6 for editing and post processing (to crop, discard & use paint filter) to create this, out of the original image before submission.

I hope you will enjoy the image and kindly give me your feedback on it.

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10 comments posted

Marti Buckely   Marti Buckely
I like the look you gave to this image. It appears that you rotated it and that puts the bigger bloom at the bottom supporting the other two - good composition in my opinion. I tried to crudely take out that top part that appears to flip over and the lower left white area that is probably part of another flower. Overall it's a nice job on the original.   Posted: 11/11/2024 03:39:19
Comment Image
Syed Shakhawat Kamal   Syed Shakhawat Kamal
Hi Marti,
Greetings my friend.
Thank you for your valuable feedback. I like the way you have edited the extra part from the image. It means a lot.
Kindest regards.
Kamal.   Posted: 11/21/2024 07:26:12

Bob Legg   Bob Legg
Kamal, I agree with Marti's comments and also like the textures you have used on the background and the flowers. Keep up with the good work.   Posted: 11/12/2024 02:59:29
Syed Shakhawat Kamal   Syed Shakhawat Kamal
Hi Bob,
Greetings my friend.
I appreciate your input. All of your suggestions actually contributed to my further improvement on the flower photography. I sincerely acknowledge the support.
Kindest regards.
  Posted: 11/21/2024 07:29:50

Ingrid Lockhart   Ingrid Lockhart
Hi Kamal. I really like the treatment you have applied to these plumeria blooms, removing the background and adding the texture, as well as rotating them to create a strong composition. I also think the slight shadow effect at the edge of the blooms is effective at making the image more 3-dimensional. I lived in Hawaii for a few years in the 70's, and your image brings back memories of the wonderful fragrance that surrounds plumerias which are prolific in Hawaii!   Posted: 11/19/2024 18:48:48
Syed Shakhawat Kamal   Syed Shakhawat Kamal
Hi Ingrid,
Greetings my friend.
Thank you for your valuable feedback.
I appreciate them very much. They mean a lot too.
Kindest regards.
  Posted: 11/22/2024 08:42:33

Rich James   Rich James
Kamal, I really like what you did here, pulling out just the three Plumeria works great. You've kept the vibrancy of the flowers and remove a very hectic background. I'd maybe play with different background colors and texture to see what works best. Great job.   Posted: 11/19/2024 19:06:34
Syed Shakhawat Kamal   Syed Shakhawat Kamal
Hi Rich,
Greetings my friend.
Thank you for your valuable comment and suggestions.
It's inspiring for me.
Kindest regards.
Kamal.   Posted: 11/22/2024 08:44:43

Nadia Trevan   Nadia Trevan
Hi Kamal, I agree with the others and what a terrific job in seeing a vertical composition of your capture. It certainly made it a stronger and more appealing composition. Well done.   Posted: 11/22/2024 10:32:56
Syed Shakhawat Kamal   Syed Shakhawat Kamal
Hi Nadia,
Thank you for your kind feedback. I appreciate them so much.
Kamal.   Posted: 11/30/2024 20:17:42