Mary Hinsen, BPSA  

Father and Daughter by Mary Hinsen, BPSA

July 2024 - Father and Daughter

July 2024 - Mary Hinsen, BPSA


About the Image(s)

My image this month is of a young Dad who has turned his life around, and it is truly wonderful to see him happy with his family. I took this image in his home. It was really bad lighting, and a very uninspiring background! My intention was not to process to remove scars, tidy hair, or change clothing, or really change much about Dad and daughter as people - I wanted to portray them as they are.

My processing challenge is that I am building a portfolio to apply for an accreditation with our national professional photography organization, NZIPP. I cannot use any 3rd party software; all elements have to be photographed by me. So no Topaz, Nik Color Efex, Silver Efex, and I can only use textures photographed by me. I'm finding it a great process to go through, and I am using this ethos on every image now.
I opened in Photoshop and cropped in. I converted to black and white using Image calculations. I used curves layers to contour both faces slightly, and removed some shine from skin.

I wanted to give the image some depth, so worked on the background next. I photographed the leaves on a tree in our yard, converted this image to black and white and masked out the subjects. I wanted to use the interplay of light and dark, rather than have it look like leaves, so used a Gaussian blur, and decreased opacity. I added a radial gradient with soft light blend mode to lighten the background around their faces and provide a darker vignette.

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7 comments posted

Georgianne Giese   Georgianne Giese
To me, you made an excellent monochrome image. It seems to really enhance the original. I would not change a thing.   Posted: 07/06/2024 16:03:52

Denise McKay   Denise McKay
What a wonderful story about this family. I really like how you posed them and made sure to show the Dad holding his daughter's hands. This exudes happiness and love in my opinion.

The only suggestions I have for the edits is maybe to lighten the shadow under the brim of his hat a bit. On my monitor it looks really dark, a little too black.

Also, the hairs on each side of the girl's forehead have turned a solid grayish color and look more like something painted rather than strands of hair in my opinion. Maybe if you went into Photoshop and used a brush to paint a little more hair texture there it would help with that.

Great story and great capture of this sweet moment together.

  Posted: 07/06/2024 20:57:26
Mary Hinsen   Mary Hinsen
Thanks Denise - you are right. It is so good to have other eyes on an image. I will have a play with it.   Posted: 07/25/2024 00:26:10

Connie Reinhart   Connie Reinhart
You caught natural expressions on the subjects' faces. There are nice catchlights in their eyes. The lighting can't have been too bad because the soft shadows give shape to the faces. Very nice job on the background. This should do well for you in your accreditation challenge.   Posted: 07/12/2024 19:01:15

Rita Johnston   Rita Johnston
I really like how you made it in B&W and made it a beautiful capture. Well done!   Posted: 07/19/2024 21:05:46

Jan Handman   Jan Handman
Wonderfully posed and processed Mary. The BW treatment is just right. I agree with Denise's statement about the girl's hairline. Very nice story here too.   Posted: 07/25/2024 23:06:29

Carol Watson   Carol Watson
Hi Mary, You have captured a wonderful natural portrait of the father and daughter and your processing has really enhanced the image. I agree with Denise about lightening the shadow under his hat but other than that I have no suggestions for improvement.   Posted: 07/28/2024 08:27:45