Georgianne Giese  

Harris Beach OR by Georgianne Giese

July 2024 - Harris Beach OR

July 2024 - Georgianne Giese


About the Image(s)

This beach is in the southern coastal region of Oregon. The only day that we could drive there, it just happened to be cold and overcast! Nevertheless, it was a lovely experience to photograph one of Oregon’s many picturesque beaches. I wanted the finished product to capture the dreariness of the day, as I perceived it.

My post processing was the following:

1. Straighten the image

2. Used Topaz Denoise AI to clean up the noise in the picture.

3. Applied a NIK Color Efex Pro , using Darken/Lighten Center and Pro Contrast presets.

4. Using masks, I replaced the sky and then lightened it with an adjustment mask.

5. Used NIK 6 Color Efex again, to desaturate and darken the image.

6. Used Topaz B&W layer, in reduced capacity, using Hand Tinted Chiffon preset.

7. Finally, I added a layer mask to the Topaz layer. On that, I painted 20% black over the foreground of the image, in order to bring back a bit more color and add dimensionality to the image.

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8 comments posted

Denise McKay   Denise McKay
This looks like a beautiful place to visit Georgianne. Your edits definitely brought life to a rather dull day. I really like what you did to the clouds because it still helps tell the story of an overcast, possibly cool day.

I also like the composition and how you captured the big rock out in the water with a good balance of separation from the mound of rocks on the left. One tiny thing I did notice was it looks like the corner of a structure or something, is jutting into the frame from the left. Almost the middle of the photo and is light blue. I think that should be taken out. Otherwise, This is a lovely scene to look at.   Posted: 07/06/2024 20:43:33
Georgianne Giese   Georgianne Giese
Thanks Denise. I had noticed that white patch and intended to fix it, but forgot to do so! Thanks for your critique.   Posted: 07/06/2024 22:39:00

Connie Reinhart   Connie Reinhart
The new sky looks just the way the mood of the original suggests it should look. The original has some strange edges. Was this a panorama? I really like your final version, but in comparing the two I find the final to be just a little on the blue side - or maybe I just like the greenness in the original. Anyway, very well done.   Posted: 07/12/2024 18:55:29

Rita Johnston   Rita Johnston
I think I have taken a similar shot several years ago. A lovely place. You changed the mood with the clouds and the masking. The only thing I question is, do you usually denoise first and not last? Lovely photo!   Posted: 07/19/2024 21:03:04
Georgianne Giese   Georgianne Giese
I always thought that it was best to remove noise first, since I don't want to apply PS steps to the noise pixels. In reality, I can get so excited about what I want to do with the image, that I forget to remove the noise first, and I end up applying Topaz dNoise last! But, I believe it is best to apply dNoise first.   Posted: 07/20/2024 01:33:59

Mary Hinsen   Mary Hinsen
Hi Georgianne - I love the depth you've put into the clouds, and the fact that there are people in the image adds interest. The composition really works and you've added feeling to the image with your processing.
Like Denise, I find the little blue triangle is distracting but you've already said you will remove it. It's a lovely scene.   Posted: 07/25/2024 00:12:26

Jan Handman   Jan Handman
You enhanced the sky beautifully Georgianne. The composition is lovely, and this is quintessential Oregon coastline. I love the dancing white flowers in the foreground. The warmer colors in the original photo appeal to me a bit more, but that's just personal preference. You created a very nice and serene scene.   Posted: 07/28/2024 03:06:57

Carol Watson   Carol Watson
I like the composition of the image with the flowers providing foreground interest and the figures on the beach giving a sense of scale. Your replacement sky adds mood to the image and the blue toning gives a cool feel. For me I would have kept more of the warmer tones in the foreground foliage.   Posted: 07/28/2024 08:13:54