Denise McKay  

Moody Rose by Denise McKay

July 2024 - Moody Rose

July 2024 - Denise McKay


About the Image(s)

A rose portrait taken indoors on a tripod using a mix of natural light on one side and diffused LED light on the other. Backdrop was black velvet. Taken with a Lensbaby 85 mm at f 16, shutter speed 1/5 sec, ISO 400.

Basic edits in Lightroom included adding some clarity and texture. Then, I wanted to give this beautiful rose a little more "mood" and a painterly effect, so in Topaz Studio II I added two filter layers; Impression and Smudge. With Impression I added some brush strokes and used the Overlay blend mode which added saturation and darkened the shadows. The Smudge filter was used to make the brush strokes softer and give the image a more creamy finish as well as sharpening the edges; used the Normal blend mode for that layer.

My hope is that the viewer still sees this as a beautiful flower, not over-processed, and feels something when they see it.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
12 comments posted

Georgianne Giese   Georgianne Giese
Definitly not over-processed. Your rose is perfectly enhanced by the darker contrast that shows up due to the filters you applied. I can almost smell this rose, as it really grips my attention to its peaceful beauty.   Posted: 07/06/2024 16:16:58
Denise McKay   Denise McKay
Thanks Georgianne!   Posted: 07/12/2024 21:27:16

Connie Reinhart   Connie Reinhart
You have deepened the colors and brought out the texture. The DOF is perfect. You lit the subject well; the fill light was well used. The original is so good, there didn't seem any way to improve it; but you did.   Posted: 07/12/2024 19:14:58
Denise McKay   Denise McKay
Thank you Connie!   Posted: 07/12/2024 21:27:50

Rita Johnston   Rita Johnston
Wow, you made a beautiful photo. Your treatments and choices all improved the photo.   Posted: 07/19/2024 21:07:30
Denise McKay   Denise McKay
Thanks Rita!
  Posted: 07/22/2024 12:58:54

Mary Hinsen   Mary Hinsen
Hi Denise - I love it! This image has a wonderful feel to it - it's not over processed at all.
I've been thinking about getting the Lensbaby velvet 85mm, I'm really tempted. You obviously enjoy its artistic effect, which you have enhanced beautifully with processing.   Posted: 07/25/2024 00:24:43
Denise McKay   Denise McKay
Thanks Mary! The Lensbaby Velvet lens, both 56 and 85 do add a certain character to an image when using the smaller apertures. I know they are typically praised for their "glow-like" effects at larger apertures, but I really like the results at the small end as well. Plus the close focusing distance so that you can really fill the frame.   Posted: 07/27/2024 21:27:10

Jan Handman   Jan Handman
This is lovely Denise. Your treatments have all enhanced it. I can see this printed in huge format to adorn a large residential space or even in a hospital hallway or other commercial space where a serene ambience would be appreciated by those viewing it. Well done!   Posted: 07/25/2024 22:56:09
Denise McKay   Denise McKay
Thanks for the feedback Jan!   Posted: 07/27/2024 21:23:03

Carol Watson   Carol Watson
Hi Denise, A beautiful rose, well captured and processed. My only suggestions for improvement are a little bit of dodging and burning to darken the outer edge of the bottom left petal and to lighten the centre of the rose a touch.   Posted: 07/28/2024 08:45:56
Denise McKay   Denise McKay
Thanks for your feedback Carol!   Posted: 07/28/2024 12:33:10