Ed Taje  

Walking on Air by Ed Taje

July 2024 - Walking on Air

July 2024 - Ed Taje


About the Image(s)

This image was taken at the Birds of Prey in Duncan BC in questionable and was one of about four trying to catch the Falcon in a better position of Pose for lack of a better word.
I like the mono better as I think the colour is too distracting although the Falcon does stand out to some degree. He was moving very fast. Iso 1600, f4.5, 1/800 at 225mm

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3 comments posted

Trevor Harvey   Trevor Harvey
I would agree, I think the bird pops a lot more in the mono. Absolute cracking image.   Posted: 07/08/2024 01:19:03

Melissa Cramer Sonnen   Melissa Cramer Sonnen
For me, the mono is very startling. That bird is almost scary - he appears to be walking on his wings because he is so close to the ground. The contrast in his feathers is really great. I might suggest trying a small crop of some of the grass - not too much -just to take a little of it away from the things the viewer has to look at. This is a great mono!   Posted: 07/08/2024 14:14:48

Ed Palaszynski   Ed Palaszynski
Hey Ed, Nice effort at BIF! One of the toughest things to do! Definitely crop into the bird with some room and try the highlights slider in LR to recover some feather detail. This is very difficult at times with white birds.

The bird "pose" is "flaps down" which can be tough to properly show in an image. Most are "flaps up" to show the details under the bird, BUT good shot. FYI, when I capture White Egrets I have my camera set to either center-weighted or spot metering for the bird so as to capture those details often blown out if not corrected for and even do a -.3EV in camera...   Posted: 07/08/2024 21:15:41