Gary Jones  

Mammoth  Hot Springs by Gary Jones

July 2024 - Mammoth Hot Springs

About the Image(s)

The photo was taken in the afternoon at Mammoth Hot Springs. I’ve tried often to get a shot of the Hot Springs and never been satisfied with the composition or my post processing. I did some cropping to highlight the dead trees for perspective and their interest and tried to also focus on the colors of the formation. This is my favorite of many attempts over the years.

This shot was taken with a Canon R5 and a Canon RF 24-105 lens at 27mm. Exposure was 1/800, ISO 200, and f/8. I used Topaz DeNoise to remove any noise and add some sharpness.

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8 comments posted

Sherry Icardi   Sherry Icardi
Gary, is that water flowing down the rocks? I clearly have never seen Mammoth Hot Springs and showing my lack of knowledge about this location, but the rocks are pretty unique and colors are beautiful. Do the Hot Springs make tree growth impossible. I think I'm going to have to explore and find some information about this place. Lovely image!!!
  Posted: 07/12/2024 19:11:49

Gary Jones   Gary Jones
There is some water flowing over the formation. It's a type of geothermal feature in Yellowstone and has some changes from year to year. The formation is created by the minerals in the water, which is quite hot and steamy. It's a very unique spot and located at the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel, so an easy walk if you stay there or an easy drive from Gardiner into the park.   Posted: 07/12/2024 19:15:52

Butch Mazzuca   Butch Mazzuca
Gary - an interesting shot - I did a review yesterday but it would not load so I'm trying again. As I said, an interesting shot but what bothers me is no clear center of interest. I wasn't there, but if you have a chance to re-shoot sometime, perhaps you could really crop in as I'm sure there are some fascinating compositions - also, I think the dead trees are a distraction.

Your metadata indicates the image was shot around 4:30 PM in May and sunset was a little after 8:00 PM, so perhaps shooting later closer to sunset may have provided more shadows and thus more interest - still a nice shot, but I still feel you may not have tapped its full potential   Posted: 07/21/2024 22:11:22

Gary Jones   Gary Jones
Thanks for the feedback Butch. I had cropped from a larger image and put the dead trees in the center as a focal point to show the impact of the hot springs on the surrounding area. So I appreciate your perspective and will keep it in mind. The day was somewhat overcast and I had to work to bring out some blue in the sky. But a photo later in the afternoon may have brought different light also. As I indicated in the posting, I've tried to get photo's of this formation for many years and this was the best so far, but always return to this spot on our Yellowstone trips.   Posted: 07/22/2024 13:01:37

Ian Cambourne   Ian Cambourne
A very intriguing image Gary. Your composition and ability to bring out the colours in the rocks work really well. The spring water flowing over the rocks appears more of a veil than actual water. You've presented this image the way you wish it presented and it is effective.   Posted: 07/23/2024 23:48:56
Gary Jones   Gary Jones
Thanks for your feedback Ian. We enjoy Yellowstone and try to get there every year. Covid stopped us for a couple of years, but we were back this spring and enjoy the area around Mammoth Hot Springs and its unique geology.   Posted: 07/24/2024 00:59:14

Dave Ficke   Dave Ficke
Gary I have beeb there and took photos - in this situation I do not have tat ability to show or demonstrate that will all that is going on, water is moving or maybe some photos are best expressed as a video??????? Definitely challenge - I think you dis=d well.   Posted: 07/25/2024 06:47:33

Peter Cheung   Peter Cheung
Great capture. I like the colors and the composition of the image. The texture, the dead trees, and the colors of the Hot Springs are wonderful. Beautiful shot.   Posted: 07/31/2024 22:46:13