Spring Zhang
About the Image(s)
I am sharing a winter photo to go with the season. This is a cell phone photo taken in January of 2024 at Yosemite National Park in California. I took this photo because I like the view of the iconic Half Dome, and the thin ice in the river makes it a nice foreground element. I adjusted the temperature on the Half Dome to make it look a little bit warmer since it was in the sun. I also accentuated the reflection in the river of the Dome and the mountain on the left side. For the thin ice in the foreground, I adjusted the temperature to a cooler tone.
9 comments posted
Mike Patterson
You're following in the footsteps of Ansel Adams! In 1960, he captured his famous "Moon and Half Dome" with a Hasselblad camera near this very spot behind the Ahwahee Hotel. I grabbed nearly the identical composition as you in 2017. You have an excellent sense of composition as demonstrated by the ice anchoring the image in the foreground that points to the river leading to Half Dome. The foreground seems a little too dark. Lightening the shadows might be a good fix. Also, the branches hanging from the left seem messy and distracting. If you had been able, it might have helped to step more to your right to avoid them.   Posted: 01/01/2025 18:37:33
Spring Zhang
Thank you Mike for your comment. I struggled a bit with the branch hanging from the top left also, but I wanted to keep the Half Dome in the center of the frame and not be obscured too much by the trees on the right side, so this is what I ended up with. :)   Posted: 01/05/2025 06:45:16
Tom Buckard
Spring, I certainly wouldn't change anything. I see Mikes point about the foreground being slightly dark (think it is in some shade) so I put it in PS and lightened it. Didn't like it! The slightly dark foreground aids in drawing you towards Half Dome. I think this is a very strong composition and all technical aspects are outstanding. I am afraid that in years to come as the branches on the left may grow and this outstanding view may be obscured.   Posted: 01/05/2025 13:47:33
Nigel Dalton
I think most of the comments reflect what I think of this. However, I think that although you said you struggled with the overhanging branch, it would work well slightly lightened for framing effect. In other words, make it a part of the image that you meant to include, not part of the image you wanted to get rid of if that makes sense.   Posted: 01/09/2025 16:04:42
Spring Zhang
Thank you, I like your edit. Lightening the branches made it less distracting.   Posted: 01/14/2025 07:51:18
Michele Borgarelli
Spring, this is very nice capture of this iconic view. The ice on the trees and the light create a special atmosphere. I think you managed well the branches of the tree on the left almost creating a frame in the frame. I believe as others that the foreground is dark. After reviewing it I took the liberty to crop your image in the landscape format. The reason for doing this is that in my opinion the foreground does not add much. In the image I attached you still have the water but also two triangular shapes that represents strong compositional elements. At the end the subject of the image is winter and the Half Dome. I also darkened a little the very bright spot between the branches. Let me know what do you think.
best wishes
Michele   Posted: 01/12/2025 00:33:21
best wishes
Michele   Posted: 01/12/2025 00:33:21
Mike Patterson
Michele, I think you really enhanced this image.   Posted: 01/14/2025 01:39:11
Spring Zhang
Interesting crop. I actually has other shots that are exactly like this, without the ice in the foreground. I guess the image is less complex in this version.   Posted: 01/14/2025 08:02:48
Michele Borgarelli
Spring, one of the things I have learned reading and following photographers is that each photo should answer "what is the subject?" In this case in my opinion the ice in the foreground is "distracting" from the beauty of the main object. I think you can have 2 photos in your original. One with the ice and the other with mountain. I have been working for the last few years trying to simplify my photos. I now often takes times to study the subject and figure out what I want. Sometimes it does work, sometimes (most of the times) it doesn't.
Best wishes
Michele   Posted: 01/14/2025 10:45:47
Best wishes
Michele   Posted: 01/14/2025 10:45:47