Spring Zhang  

Moonscape Overlook by Spring Zhang

December 2024 - Moonscape Overlook

About the Image(s)

Description: This photo was taken at sunrise at the Moonscape Overlook in Utah with 24-105mm lens. I edited with LR, adjusted temperature, saturation, increased contrast and shadows, and a little bit of dehaze.

12 comments posted

Tom Buckard   Tom Buckard
Spring, this is an outstanding image. I really like the way the rocky ridges lead you in from the lower left to the subject which is the center and to the right of center. There are no distracting elements and it has great visual impact and interest.   Posted: 12/08/2024 15:26:37
Spring Zhang   Spring Zhang
Thank you Tom for your kind words.   Posted: 12/08/2024 22:21:33

Mike Patterson   Mike Patterson
I agree with Tom -- this is an outstanding image. The only thing I would change is the name: It looks more like a Marsscape (the Red Planet, etc.) Welcome to our group. We look forward to seeing much more of your work.   Posted: 12/10/2024 02:00:24
Spring Zhang   Spring Zhang
Thank you for your warm welcome and kind comment. I look forward to learn from everyone and improve my photography.   Posted: 12/11/2024 07:03:31

John Zhu   John Zhu
Love this photo especially the composition and color tune. I will try reduce the highlight at the top left sky.   Posted: 12/10/2024 18:55:03
Spring Zhang   Spring Zhang
Thank you John. You are right, part of the sky is overexposed. I can't correct it in LR. I'm not familiar with PS yet, maybe there is a way to fix it.   Posted: 12/11/2024 07:08:36
John Zhu   John Zhu
LR is good for this. Use Masking tool.   Posted: 12/11/2024 23:29:48

Michele Borgarelli   Michele Borgarelli
Welcome to group our Spring. You start with an impressive image. I think your composition is spot on and so the sharpness. However, for my personal taste the image is over saturated, and the red color is too much. It convey more the feeling of a pictorial interpretation of this landscape, rather then a representation of the reality. Also the highlights in the clouds are burned out. If this is the effect you wanted you surely reach your goal.

Best wishes


  Posted: 12/10/2024 23:40:46
Spring Zhang   Spring Zhang
Thank you Michele for your comment. I agree with you that the image is a bit oversaturated. I was trying to convey a feeling I had at the moment. Regarding the burned out clouds, I'm curious as to if any one of you know if I can correct the overexposure in PS.   Posted: 12/11/2024 07:14:58
Michele Borgarelli   Michele Borgarelli
Spring is hard to say how to fix the burned out clouds. I don't use PS. I have however noticed that with Capture 1 this becomes a problem when you increase dehaze and clarity of the sky too much. You have not provided details regarding which camera do you use. But with the current mirrorless camera the dynamic range is so good that in this situation I would expose for the highlights and recover the shadows in the post process. It would be interesting to see your original image.


Michele   Posted: 12/11/2024 10:58:10
Spring Zhang   Spring Zhang
Michele, thank you for your input. I have a Canon EOS R6 Mark II. Yes, as I was seeing that I could not correct the sky overexposure, I realized I should have exposed for the highlights and recover the shadows later. I've attached the original image.   Posted: 12/12/2024 08:18:00
Comment Image

Srijan Roy Choudhury   Srijan Roy Choudhury
Spring, it is a beautiful image, thank you for sharing. The composition is pretty interesting. Did you process the sky separately? The image appears to be too warm and if that was the original scene, it induces a colour monotony. I would have tried a BW version emphasizing the shape and clouds and getting rid of the colour altogether.   Posted: 12/17/2024 19:13:22


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