Mike Patterson  

Watching the Goats by Mike Patterson

December 2024 - Watching the Goats

About the Image(s)

I captured this image several years ago. It shows a boy standing outside a stock pen as the men prepare to sheer, or cut, the mohair off our herd of angora goats. I’m thinking the boy probably wishes he could be there with them. Someday, but then he’ll find out what hard work this is and decides he’d rather be someplace else. The fiber from the goats is eventually used in mohair garments, carpets, etc. The big bags next to the lad are called wool sacks. This is where the men place the mohair from goats or wool from sheep. It’s then hauled off to warehouses where buyers purpose the fiber and send it around the world for processing. Did some minor adjustments in Lightroom.

6 comments posted

Tom Buckard   Tom Buckard
Mike, very interesting image. I like the crop but probably would have preferred the boys shoes to be in the image but not absolutely necessary. The image tells a good story and leaves me wanting to see more images of the actual sheering of the goats. Very good use of colors.   Posted: 12/05/2024 15:10:17

Nigel Dalton   Nigel Dalton
I think a square crop would work better here on what I agree is an interesting catch. I'd like to see the shoes as well but it conveys a sense of him climbing up higher to get his viewpoint. Would have been nice to have everything sharp for the story but maybe you didn't have the light. Well spotted image anyway Mike.   Posted: 12/06/2024 22:00:40
Mike Patterson   Mike Patterson
Thanks for your comments. You are exactly right. I wish I had better light, as you suggested. It would have definitely improved the image and allowed for a faster shutter speed and sharper focus.   Posted: 12/10/2024 02:10:10

John Zhu   John Zhu
Like the story this photo tells. The person at the center helps the story.   Posted: 12/10/2024 18:57:02

Michele Borgarelli   Michele Borgarelli
Mike, I think your image as the potential to tell a story. I am not bothered much by not seeing the shoes of the boy. What is bother me more is that the image is very soft and the curtain on the left side create an obstacle and don't have much interest. Maybe moving to the right you could have a better image.

best wishes

Michele   Posted: 12/10/2024 23:47:36

Spring Zhang   Spring Zhang
I think this is an interesting image with a story to tell. I wonder if it would be better if you took a few steps to your right when you took the photo, so as to not have the man in the back be so close to the edge of the image and let the viewers see more of what's going on with the sheep, because I am very curious. I don't know what the two brown bag looking things on the left are (pardon my ignorance); I feel like maybe showing one is enough? Then you will basically have the boy on the left 3rd of the image and the man in the back on the right 3rd of the image. Or maybe you were trying to avoid something next to the man that's not image-worthy?   Posted: 12/11/2024 08:16:18


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