Pierre Williot
About the Image(s)
This is the first Full Moon over South Buffalo, NY (June 21st 2024). View from the shores of Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada, across the Upper Niagara River and the Eastern tip of Lake Erie.
Equipment: Canon EOS R5, Canon RF 100-500 mm, Sturdy Tripod, Remote control.
Setting: ISO 400, 2.0 Sec, f/5, EV-1
Slight cropping and minor adjustments using ON1.
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8 comments posted
Hi Pierre- That's so neat to see the red moon above the skyline of the city- and there's just enough of the city there to make it interesting- especially with some of the city lights reflected in the water. There's a lot to like here. I'm a little puzzled by the dark red color of the moon. Is that the way you remember it: seems a little oversaturated, but since nice.   Posted: 07/10/2024 01:51:02
Hi Kirk, sorry for taking so long to reply.
I like it when the moon is low, mainly because the moon is not very bright at that level. At that level, the moon is still in the penumbra of the earth, the tone is more red/orange. All this makes it easier to avoid overexposure of it, than when the moon is much brighter and white higher up.
This moon elevation was only at 8 degrees...
I agree though, that I might have oversaturated the moon a bit. Thanks for pointing that out.   Posted: 07/16/2024 16:24:42
I like it when the moon is low, mainly because the moon is not very bright at that level. At that level, the moon is still in the penumbra of the earth, the tone is more red/orange. All this makes it easier to avoid overexposure of it, than when the moon is much brighter and white higher up.
This moon elevation was only at 8 degrees...
I agree though, that I might have oversaturated the moon a bit. Thanks for pointing that out.   Posted: 07/16/2024 16:24:42
Great lighting Pierre, confused how you got the moon to appear so red but I really like it. Sharp and very effective. The only thing I may have done is to have taken a little off the top and bottom.   Posted: 07/17/2024 05:12:55
Thanks Geoff.   Posted: 07/17/2024 12:10:39
Hi Pierre. To me. The red moon is the strength of this night photography. I like the thin red sky around the moon and its reflection on the water. I purposely explore it more by partially brightening it using luminosity mask and apply a bit of vignette to add drama. I wish you don't' mind with this portrait 8x10 crop.   Posted: 07/26/2024 23:50:12
Thanks Frans. I like your crop and the slight Enhencement.
  Posted: 07/27/2024 01:58:15
  Posted: 07/27/2024 01:58:15
I really like the this image. I don't mind the color of the moon it adds a dramatic element to the photo.   Posted: 07/31/2024 01:59:55
Thanks Tami.   Posted: 07/31/2024 02:08:47