Member Bios

Tami Williams

Tami Williams

I bought my first digital camera about five years ago and used it every now and again. The past year I have taken a more serious interest taking classes and working on learning the more technical aspects of photography. I look forward to any feedback and view this as a great learning experience.

Group Admin

Pierre Williot

Pierre Williot

I am now living in Crystal Beach, Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada and was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. My interests in photography started during my childhood. My father was using a manual single lens reflex camera without interchangeable lens nor light meter. Obviously the digital technology was not even dreamed about at that time.
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<br />I bought my first camera at the age 15. This was a film camera with interchangeable lenses and light meter. Autofocus did not exist at the time. The digital technology came 30 years later!
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<br />I use Canon and Olympus systems. I am mainly interested in Landscape and nature photography.
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<br />I am a member of two local photography groups (Science Museum Camera Club, Buffalo, NY and the South Town Camera Club, Hamburg, NY). My participation to local groups increased my interest for the art of photography.
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<br />I like to give and receive constructive remarks and comments as I want to perfect my technique and develop my own style.

Stefaan Brodelet

Stefaan Brodelet

Born in Geraardsbergen, Belgium in 1966. I am living in Geraardsbergen now since 1997
where I started to learn photography in the local photo club.
Since 2020 I started to work on my recognitions.
I am now AFIAP and GPU GR1 both received in 2022.
This year I work on the PSA QPSA.
My interests are Travel, Landscape , City Scape , Nature, Documentary.
Also Audiovisual projects are in my interests.
My gears are FujiFilm XPRO2 - XT4. Have still my 2 older Canon's 1D and 7D.
Also analog I use my Hasselblad 500C.
And of course for landscape and nature I use drone photography with the DJI Mavic 3.

You can see my work on: Photographer Stefaan Brodelet

Geoff Wiggins, FAPS

Geoff Wiggins, FAPS

I have been captivated by photography ever since I was given my Brownie Box Camera at the age of six. At fourteen I purchased an old camera and with the help of a tin can made an enlarger. It worked well and I enjoyed playing around producing my black and white images. Over the years I have had lapses in photography as work took over but now that I have retired the passion has come back with a vengeance. I have been married for some forty-eight years to my dear wife who has been a great strength. I started life teaching geology until we formed our own jewellery company Oplex Australia Pty Ltd. I wanting to learn a little more about the business world and as a result went back to studying this time to become an accountant. With all that behind me I now spend a considerable amount of time in the Australian outback in our winter months and on our American built yacht (Passport 40) in the summer cruising our South Australian waters. Both have given me great opportunities to take photographs. I look forward to joining the group with a view to learning from your comments and following your interests. I hope that in some way it will help me gain my FAPS this year having gained my AAPS (Associate Australian Photographic Society) last year. I have worn out several Nikons over the years and am now using a D800.

Kathryn Engle


I live in Boise, Idaho and just recently included Tucson, AZ as a winter home. I love to travel and photograph all the vistas I am able to. I use Nikon D750 and D700 on much of my photography. I also love to travel by bicycle and found that a Sony mirrorless fits just perfectly inside a front pannier on my bicycle. Landscape and nature is my favorite type of photography, but I also love to do other photography venues as well. I’ve only been involved in photography about 6 or 7 years and with the DSLR, cameras and processing seem to change a lot. It keeps me busy trying to keep up with the new versions as well as learning more as I gain more experience.

Frans Gunterus, QPSA

Frans Gunterus, QPSA

Frans Gunterus

I live in Indonesia. Photography is my everlasting interest since my childhood. Before the pandemic, my wife and I visited many countries in tour groups. That was my chance to explore my interest in photography. Unlike most photographers that have time to set tripods, filters and wait for good lighting and good moment. I just don't have that kind of luxury when following non-photography tours. I sometimes have to shoot from the moving bus.

So, I always used bracket exposure. Most likely with auto ISO. I normally provide enough space around my subjects for further cropping to get more suitable composition. The rest, I have to refine my image during post processing. I enjoy my time for post processing. It almost like visiting the place for the second time. Imagining the color, the lighting and the beauty of scene I visited.

I enjoyed being a member of PSA. Learn some of many available courses, Digital Dialogue and keep up with photography updates and engage with other photographers from different countries.

Kirk Gulledge

Kirk Gulledge

Although I've had some kind of camera most of my life- from Kodak Brownie to many others- I'm still a photo newbie. For most years, I just used my camera to take snapshots of places we visited and things we liked. However, a few years ago we moved into a retirement community in Fort Myers, FL, with a good photography club, and that group has inspired me to start thinking of photography as a kind of art which takes a lot of thought about focus, composition and impact. For equipment my primary travel camera is a Panasonic Lumix FX1000 bridge camera which is all contained and goes from 25-400mm. I've also recently been getting into the mirrorless world with a Fuji XT2 and I have a bunch of lenses which I'm enjoying trying out, but am still really experimenting with. I've participated in a few local and state competitions and won a few ribbons, but I have so much to learn, and really look forward to interaction with this group. We lived in the US Southwest for about 25 years and fell in love with Western landscapes, but now I'm learning to appreciate waterscapes here in FL, so think this group will be perfect.