Jaswant Madhavan  

White Booted Racket-Tail Female and Brown Violet Ear by Jaswant Madhavan

February 2025 - White Booted Racket-Tail Female and Brown Violet Ear

About the Image(s)

White Booted Racket-Tail Female (on the left) and a Brown Violet Ear (on the right)

Canon R5 Mk II, EF600 f4 at f4.5 1/2000 ISO 3200
Run through DXO Pure RAW 4, Masking and adjustments in LR (Exposure, texture, sharpening for the subjects and selective brightening and a subtle warming of the wing on the Brown ear)

13 comments posted

Dean Ginther   Dean Ginther
It is always amazing to catch a hummer in flight and you have two of different types. The larger one on the right is in better focus. At first I thought the red object was a bird feeder; now I see it is a quite vibrant flower. Lovely soft background. You have to be quick and ready to get an image like this.   Posted: 02/04/2025 23:56:54

Pierre Williot   Pierre Williot
Hi Jaswant,
I agree with Dean, this is really rare indeed. I am not sure that the left one is out of focus, but instead, it could be a motion artifact. Even though you were at 1/2000 sec, these small birds are quite fast!...
  Posted: 02/07/2025 20:57:42
Dean Ginther   Dean Ginther
Yes, probably motion since the flower looks to be in focus.   Posted: 02/07/2025 22:25:16

Mervyn Hurwitz   Mervyn Hurwitz
So unusual to get two different birds in the image and both in focus. And I love the way you always handle the background with no distractions.
It would be great to see the original and some information as to location and time of day.   Posted: 02/10/2025 15:13:19

Cindy Smith   Cindy Smith
Nice. Interesting how the larger hummer seems to be waiting his turn. Yes, it would be good to see the original as well.   Posted: 02/14/2025 22:32:31

Diane Perry   Diane Perry
An amazing image to capture two fast birds so well   Posted: 02/15/2025 02:16:46

Jaswant Madhavan   Jaswant Madhavan
Thank you for your comments. Sorry, I have been under the weather for the last few days with all the crud going around. The JPEG of the RAW file is 4.2 MB. The original CR3 file is 23.1 Mb. In the export dialogue I have limit File size to 1 MB and Resolution set to 72. and even then the file size tops out at 3.8 MB. I will email Mervyn the JPEG file and I am sure he can find a way to post it.   Posted: 02/15/2025 14:19:47

Jaswant Madhavan   Jaswant Madhavan
Try as I might I have not been able to reduce the file size less than 4Mb.
So here's the work around (from the email I sent to Mervyn):
The group had requested the original RAW file of the picture posted this month. The original is about 23 MB and the lowest I can bring the JPEG is 3.8. I will place a copy of the RAW in a Dropbox folder so that you can access it, although I am not sure how you are going to be able to get it to less than 1 MB to post it on the site.

The link to the Dropbox file is https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/wod24rxjn50btt5ftwnah/AG-4WiIj1BC6MHtu6tK2eQQ?rlkey=vlhah70b5g39r03neyheicrbo&dl=0

All my cameras are on UTC so no matter where I am in the world I know when the picture is taken. This was taken in Colombia so the time would be 332 pm.

Please let me know if this works.   Posted: 02/16/2025 00:47:40

Jaswant Madhavan   Jaswant Madhavan
If that link does not work here's another way to view the file:


I am not an expert at Dropbox as you might be able to tell.

  Posted: 02/16/2025 00:51:37

Jacob Wat   Jacob Wat
This is a lovely photo. I think that there is not a lot to improve in the image as the subjects are in focus and the image is well centered. Well done.   Posted: 02/16/2025 20:52:01
Jaswant Madhavan   Jaswant Madhavan
Thank you!!   Posted: 02/17/2025 00:13:58

Jaswant Madhavan   Jaswant Madhavan
I finally got the JPG below 1 MB!! Here's the unedited JPEG file of the original RAW.   Posted: 02/16/2025 23:23:15
Comment Image
Mervyn Hurwitz   Mervyn Hurwitz
here is a small file version of the original   Posted: 02/18/2025 20:26:05
Comment Image


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