Pierre Williot
About the Image(s)
Title: Short-eared Owl
Equipment: OM-1 Mark II, OM 150-400 mm f/4.5 TC, Hand held
Set-up: 500 mm (1,000 mm full frame equivalent), ISO 1600, 1/1000, f/5.6, EV -0.30
There was a snow fall. This owl was briefly taking a rest, from hunting, on a fence post on the edges of a farm field.
The “Original” image has only “global” adjustments using ON1 Raw 2025.
On the “final” image, I performed local adjustments and removed the snow flakes.
2 comments posted
Lovely sharp image with soft background. I would consider cropping in and eliminating some of the space, especially above.   Posted: 02/05/2025 00:05:14
Hi Dean,
Thanks for these constructive comments.
  Posted: 02/05/2025 00:07:19
Thanks for these constructive comments.
  Posted: 02/05/2025 00:07:19