Jaswant Madhavan  

Sickle-winged Guan by Jaswant Madhavan

December 2024 - Sickle-winged Guan

About the Image(s)

I saw this Sickle-winged guan against a dark background. Some cropping was applied, and the image edited to darken the body of the bird and "blacken" the background. The image was taken in La Florida in Colombia.

Technical details:

Canon R5 Mk 2, 600mm f4 @f4, 1/1250, ISO 1600

6 comments posted

Diane Perry   Diane Perry
I love the way this bird is emerging from the darkness. The red of its eye & brighter light around the head draws the attention in perfectly to an area of the frame that the eye would not normally travel to first.   Posted: 12/09/2024 20:18:56

Dean Ginther   Dean Ginther
The eye with side lighting is striking. Maybe lightening and showing a bit more detail in the neck area would reduce the floating head appearance.   Posted: 12/11/2024 17:06:20

Mervyn Hurwitz   Mervyn Hurwitz
The sharpness of the eye and beak is incredible. But I would prefer to have a little more light in the neck and front of the bird to give it a more solid base.   Posted: 12/11/2024 18:43:03

Jaswant Madhavan   Jaswant Madhavan
The "more light on the neck is a great idea. Thank you. I will work on it.   Posted: 12/14/2024 11:16:35

Jacob Wat   Jacob Wat
I love how dramatic this piece is. The crop and the angle are great and it has a very strong diagonal. I love how it draws our eyes to the eye and then we can travel down the neck as we continue to follow the body. I am unsure of how to improve the image.   Posted: 12/16/2024 19:12:30

Pierre Williot   Pierre Williot
Hi Jaswan,
Fantastic dramatic and "spooky" image.
I love the red eye and the head. Maybe a little more light on the body would be good.
Is it possible that the body itself was a little bit behind the focus plane (in contrast to the head that was right on)?

If so, this is a pretty elegant way to bring the observer's attention to the head of this guan.
Another keeper   Posted: 12/16/2024 23:16:17


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