David Kepley  

Lake Louise by David Kepley

July 2024 - Lake Louise

July 2024 - David Kepley


About the Image(s)

Lake Louise

My wife and I just returned from a trip to the Canadian Rockies. I recommend it highly! I was really excited to see the patterns that the melting ice created on the surface, giving me some great leading lines. I was also intrigued by the aqua blue coloring in the glacially fed water. My biggest debate with myself was to go with color or B&W. What do you think?

Settings: Sony RX100 VI, 9mm, 1/125 sec, f11, ISO 125. I used the usual sliders ins LRC to bring out the sky and improve the shadows.

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9 comments posted

Larry Treadwell   Larry Treadwell
I think the unique markings left by the glaciers provide a great deal of character for the rocks and the waters with their unique colors just look more spectacular in color so I would opt for the color rather than mono.

I also feel that the extra horizontal line at the bottom of the frame creates one of those image blockers. This I would suggest the crop like the one I used below to get rid of the extra line,   Posted: 07/12/2024 19:21:28
Comment Image

David Kepley   David Kepley
Thanks for your feedback. I have to admit to really liking the aqua colored water in the foreground, so i think I'll stick with the color version. Thanks also for the tip about the dark line at the bottom. Good idea to crop it out.   Posted: 07/12/2024 20:12:00

Michael Weatherford   Michael Weatherford
I think color is the way to go. Great job bringing out the colors and contrast, especially in the sky. I like Larry's crop not only to clean up the foreground but also to give the image a more panoramic look. Good!!   Posted: 07/19/2024 16:44:02

Susan Cifaldi   Susan Cifaldi
Amazing! Keep the color, please. There is so much interest that would be lost in B&W (to me, anyway).

I liked the image as it was, but I see where Larry has improved it with the straight-line removal. And your brightening up the sky really makes everything else pop out.

Someday I am going to learn landscape photography. . .
  Posted: 07/19/2024 22:47:24
Larry Treadwell   Larry Treadwell
Start watching Nigel Danson on Youtube. He is a great landscape photographer. He has a new video every Sunday.   Posted: 07/20/2024 02:58:26
Susan Cifaldi   Susan Cifaldi
Thanks, have added to my YT list!
  Posted: 07/20/2024 06:30:26

Bud Ralston   Bud Ralston
Hi David. The color of the ice is truly what makes this picture. You really had a different perspective. Nicely done.   Posted: 07/19/2024 23:10:33

David Kepley   David Kepley
5hanks everyone for your votes in the color version!   Posted: 07/19/2024 23:38:52

Cindy Marple   Cindy Marple
I know I'm late to the party but I'll make the color vote unanimous. The glacial-fed water just has such pretty hues. I love the patterns in the water. I also like how the patterns of the clouds on the left echo the patterns (layers) in the mountain. Nice job on the processing to bring out the details.
Beautiful image of a beautiful spot.   Posted: 07/27/2024 16:25:32