Cindy Marple  

Stilt Family by Cindy Marple

July 2024 - Stilt Family

July 2024 - Cindy Marple


About the Image(s)

Black-necked Stilts are more-or-less regular nesters at my local park. Typically the young hatch late May -first of June, so when I didn’t see any in that time frame I thought they hadn’t succeeded this year. I was wrong, but only 1 of 2 ⬓late⬠nests seems to have survived. These chicks are about 2 days old, the next day there were only 2 left (but now a few days later there are still 2..) I went out at first light, 5:30 AM to beat the heat and was rewarded with them being quite close to the viewing spot. Mom came in to the spit of land to brood, and the chicks tucked in and went out several times over about 20 minutes. The area was in shade and as the sun started to come in (and more people arrived) they moved off further away. The color is reflection of bushes on the opposite side of the water.

Nikon Z8, 600mm, 1/1000 f/8 ISO4500.

Processing: crop, increased exposure, cloned a couple of annoying bright patches, adjusted the white balance (I shoot in daylight fixed), brightened the faces.

As a side note, I did do some playing with f/stop and the whole question of everything in focus or some elements soft so I have some more for discussion next month if we go that way!

This round’s discussion is now closed!
11 comments posted

Larry Treadwell   Larry Treadwell
Lovely image, it almost looks like fine art. I think this has a strong nature story. I love how the adults gather all the little ones underneath their bodies. I also like your crop. The birds and so crisp and sharp, the background is really lovely but the reflections on the water and those bright highlight I find to be really distracting and annoying. In the past I've been corrected so many times about reflections needing to be darker than anything else in an image that I feel compelled to mention it here. I wonder if a polarizer would make a difference here. You mention that you have differing DOF usage for shots like this. It would be interesting to see this with a sharper background, But in the end, I doubt anything would look better than this. This is one of my favorite birds to photograph---love those "bubble-gum" colored legs.   Posted: 07/12/2024 18:46:28
Cindy Marple   Cindy Marple
Since this was in total shade, I'm not sure if a polarizer would've helped- doesn't there have to be some light? I could darken that highlight down in post. I did notice it at the time and moved to the side to eliminate it for later shots. The entire setting is water and reflections so there really isn't a sharper background to be had.   Posted: 07/27/2024 15:49:37
Larry Treadwell   Larry Treadwell
Polarizers are about the "direction" of the light. So in theory even it the subject is in shade the over all direction would still matter---however the e3ffect will be weakened.   Posted: 07/27/2024 19:40:53

David Kepley   David Kepley
I love this image! It makes you think about how many legs the bird has. Oh wait a minute those extra legs belong to the little ones! I love the soft background. It works great with the scene. I'm tempted to say that you might have stood a little taller to get a full reflection of the family. In the original, you almost have the whole scene in reflection.   Posted: 07/15/2024 20:37:37
Cindy Marple   Cindy Marple
Good point on the reflection and my height. I guess I wasn't focusing on it so much because the water was so grungy that the reflection wasn't all that great.   Posted: 07/27/2024 15:51:25

Michael Weatherford   Michael Weatherford
Lovely shot. Birds are nice and sharp. IMO no need for everything to be in perfect focus. And I wonder if you could have opened up the lens a little more to bring down the ISO. Great pose on the adult with the legs folded. As for crop I would prefer a wider crop to show more of the reflection and more space in front of the birds. See attached image - I worked on the reflection to make it a little less hazy.   Posted: 07/19/2024 16:38:25
Comment Image
Cindy Marple   Cindy Marple
Thanks Michael, I do like your crop choice. I chose a bit more f/stop because the chicks were moving around the parent, and I wanted to get them sharp when they weren't in the same focal plane. But I could've done with slower shutter speed to bring down that ISO.   Posted: 07/27/2024 15:59:09

Susan Cifaldi   Susan Cifaldi
Nice! You guys living down south have such beautiful birds! I love mama and her lotsa legs :-) and how she gets down real low on her bubble-gum legs to be closer to her babies.

I think I like the image just as it is (with usual newbie disclaimer). I hate to lose a good reflection, but I guess the little bit that is there in the photo is a good cut -- not too distracting but enough reflection to suggest a a nice clear light.

Is that a bit of rimlight on baby, showing off his juvenile fuzz?

Maybe I'm wrong, but that green grass blade. . .I know how to remove it!!! :-)   Posted: 07/19/2024 22:33:13
Cindy Marple   Cindy Marple
Yeah, that blade should go! This was in complete shade so the fuzz wasn't being backlit by sunlight. I think it might be some light bouncing up from the water??   Posted: 07/27/2024 15:54:28

Bud Ralston   Bud Ralston
Excellent choice for your subject. I love black-necked stilts. Your photo brings back the sound of their cries as they fly by when you are near their nesting area. A few years ago, I did some photo work for the Environmental Department of a Marine Corps base that allowed me access not granted to the public. I was able to get very close to parents with young. Great memories and beautiful birds.   Posted: 07/19/2024 22:55:41

Larry Treadwell   Larry Treadwell
No need for the reflection. This is all about those extra legs. If the reflection were included the legs would be less noticeable. You got this one just perfect.   Posted: 07/20/2024 02:44:58