Michael Weatherford  

"Sometimes you're the cattle egret, sometimes you're the frog" by Michael Weatherford

July 2024 - "Sometimes you're the cattle egret, sometimes you're the frog"

July 2024 - Michael Weatherford


About the Image(s)

I actually have a title for this one - "Sometimes you're the cattle egret, sometimes you're the frog".
Based on a country song. Original included.
I took this shot at the edge of a bean field deep in the Arkansas Delta. Driving around the edge of the field on my way to a swamp, looking for some wading birds. There were several cattle egrets feeding in a muddy area. I happened to catch this one with a juicy frog. Used a Nikon Z8 with 400mm plus 1.4TC. Initially cropped in Lightroom Classic, then exported to Topaz Photo AI and let it do the rest. Feels like cheating. I finished processing the photo in LR classic. Mostly lowering highlights on the bird trying to get better feather detail.

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9 comments posted

Larry Treadwell   Larry Treadwell
When they are in their full breeding colors I always think the cattle egret looks for formal and dignified. I really like how he stands out so boldly from the background to provide some impact to the scene. The impact and story are enhanced by the size of the frog. In the original there is so much of the doughnut blur created by the use of a long lens that I think the crop really worked well to create a more pleasing composition. My only suggestion, is not really a suggestion but more of a wish. Personally I like more of a profile or front view than the view of the subject receding as it travels away from the camera.   Posted: 07/09/2024 18:51:14
Michael Weatherford   Michael Weatherford
Yes, some days you get a better profile and some days you don't.   Posted: 07/21/2024 20:46:42

Bud Ralston   Bud Ralston
Michael - nice shot of the beak piercing the frog. You caught the eye on a slant, so that helped too. There were cattle egrets all over the Hawaii golf courses I played for many years.   Posted: 07/10/2024 17:15:20
Michael Weatherford   Michael Weatherford
I felt sorry for the frog, but that's Nature. Thanks for the comment.   Posted: 07/21/2024 20:47:55

David Kepley   David Kepley
The capture of the frog getting caught by the bird is priceless! He looks distraught! My only suggestion repeats what Larry said. I would have preferrred to see the bird more in profile. I can barely see his eye. But nature is not always cooperative!   Posted: 07/15/2024 20:20:44
Michael Weatherford   Michael Weatherford
Yes, as I told Larry, some days you get a better profile, some days you don't!   Posted: 07/21/2024 20:49:07

Susan Cifaldi   Susan Cifaldi
Poor little froggie! :-)

I like the image just the way it is. . .kinda sandwiched between the hyperfocal foreground and the blurry background. Colors are great, no burned out whites (my perenniel problem). I just like everything about it.

Yeah, maybe seeing more of the egret's eye would be nice, but then it would be a sideview portrait, like everybody else's. To me, the egret, though wonderfully exposed and showing off his breeding feathers, is a subject secondary to the frog, who is in a perfect profile, is nice and sharp, and has that "Oh noooooo!" look on its face (like Mr. Bill -- remember him?) -- and you got the catchlight in its eye!

Usual disclaimer -- I am a newbie who knows nothing about award-winning photographs, I just know what I like. :-)   Posted: 07/19/2024 21:47:45

Michael Weatherford   Michael Weatherford
I totally agree with you. I like the image but sorry for the poor frog. Although you are a lowly newbie I'm going to pay attention to your comments ;)   Posted: 07/21/2024 20:51:49

Cindy Marple   Cindy Marple
The pose and "expression" of the frog are what makes this picture for me. I wouldn't complain if the egret were turned a bit, but it does work as is for me. I also like that the egret is in breeding plumage, that orange helps soften it so to speak and breaks up the large white shape.
From a processing standpoint, I think that Topaz may have introduced some weird sharpening artifacts in the vegetation that I find distracting. I often back off of the sharpening, or really restrict the areas it can work on, to avoid this kind of thing.   Posted: 07/27/2024 15:02:05