Larry Treadwell
About the Image(s)
Nikon D850, Nikor 600mm f5.6 with tc1.4, f8, ISO 1250, Tripod with Sidekick, cable release
Nothing fancy about this. I found a GBH couple building a nest and photographed their courtship, mating (guess I qualify as a peeping Larry). Never could see the eggs as they were too deep in the nest. I did get a shot of a egg shell broken after the hatching (that is a really boring image) and then finally when the twins first popped their heads above the rim of the nest at 7 days old. Here is the cute twins posing for their first ever photoshoot. Sorry, there is no exciting nature story, but these little fluff balls are cute. I’ve been told that if you can capture cute it wins and so I’m sticking to that story. Everyone one just say AWWWWW!
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10 comments posted
The clarity of this image makes it one of my favorite nest shots.   Posted: 07/10/2024 17:29:46
Defintely an Awww shot!! I love the way you have captured the detail in their feathers and you've got the eyes. My only suggestion would be to have waited a bit so that they did not merge, but hey, nature doesn't work that way.   Posted: 07/15/2024 20:40:38
These little guys are only about 7 days old and they constantly together. The never separate. The image below shows they chicks at 8 weeks. They are still very attached to each other. I've years that usually there is a dominate chick either in behavior or in size. But these two appeared to be evenly matched.   Posted: 07/15/2024 21:26:18
I loveloveLOVE baby shots! and these little ones are just gorgeous. They are fluffy and colorful, and very very sharp.
I'm jealous! Up here our rookeries are far off in the distance, sitting in the middle of a marsh or beaver wetland, and the glimpses we get of the babies are not always easy to capture. And they don't seem as colorful as your Florida birds. . .must be all that sun and warm weather.   Posted: 07/19/2024 22:38:37
Now I wish I had your beaver wetland that would really be a treat. Hae you any images of the beaver?   Posted: 07/20/2024 02:41:51
Interesting that the 2 are so evenly matched, that is a bit unusual. That shows well in both images.   Posted: 07/27/2024 15:40:48