Susan Cifaldi
About the Image(s)
GEAR Nikon Z9 with PF 500 and 1.4 tele. That's all PS would tell me, stupif progr
I guess neither of us had enough sense to get out of the snow. It was getting pretty slippery, so I didn't wait around to see where s/he was giong to end up.
I didn't do much to this image, lightened it a bit and played with the sliders to make sure the white wasn't too bright and to enhance the snowfall. Also, did the obligatory de-noising, and then got rid of whatever that white streak was behind this fella.
Having a terrible time with PS. It would not accept the raw file (all I could get was a white locked screen) so this raw file is the next one in the series. Neither Camera Raw nor PS would show me the exif data, so all I can saw is that it was pretty close to f/8. The noise really wasn't so bad, so I'm guessing I had a decent ISO and a low enough shutter to catch the available light. It was pretty late in the day. around 4, so there wasn't really much light at all.
I am giving up on PS. When I call tech support they tell me that my compiuter and video card are more than sufficient to run the program, but I can't keep loading and re-loading it hoping it will work. Any suggestions? Is the Nikon program any good
PS Sorry I missed January, was in the hospital with RSV for a while. Get your shot, it's one of those viruses that is best to avoid.
7 comments posted
RSV haze) is a leftover from the removal of the white thing. I probably had the removal tool set too big. I will play with it again --IF stupid PS will let me.
I see you are new here, so let me explain that I am the resident newbie, trying my best to improve. This forum reallyreallyREALLY helps, especially with comments like yours. Thanks again!   Posted: 02/07/2025 20:12:00
I'm afraid I've got to go along with Butch and question the background. There are some pretty "funky" things going on in the background. Were you shooting through a window? It almost looks like some ghosting. Any thoughts?   Posted: 02/06/2025 02:11:17
What Butch pointed out I think are leftover shadows from Photoshop removal tool, por maybe the clone stamp. (After removing the hazy white branch, I cloned in some snowflakes. . .maybe I picked up unintended parts of the image as well.) I'm going to play with it again and see if I can repair my repairs :-)
I do have the entire sign, it's an arrow that warns of a left-hand curve in the road. I was going to use that image but the sign is huge compared to this litte fella, and this is a nature forum, so. . .
Thanks for your enthusiastic approval, it really helps guide me in many ways.
  Posted: 02/07/2025 21:07:36