Butch Mazzuca  

Parallel Lines  by Butch Mazzuca

February 2025 - Parallel Lines

About the Image(s)

Canon R5 ??“ Canon 24-70@37mm ISO 100 ??“ f10 ??“ 1/200th second ??“ Tripod

This shot was taken in White Sands, New Mexico. Unfortunately, due to persistent foot issues I was unable to hike much beyond the parking lots, so it took a while for me to find some interesting sand features without the hand of man and where I didn’t have to climb over the dunes. The trip as a whole was disappointing because I just couldn’t venture far from my car. However, as I always told my wife when I used to play golf, “IT ONLY TAKES ONE GOOD SHOT,” and frankly I was really pleased with this one, it was my favorite after a day and a half of shooting there ??“ so, no complaints! ?

5 comments posted

Larry Treadwell   Larry Treadwell
Having been in the Nature Study Group before it disbanded I am excited about this entry. As you know, PSA Nature image must have a readily recognized story or they have no chance at getting an award. In the Study Group I saw so many good images get positively panned because the landscape "did not show a strong Nature story". Over the years I made it a personal challenge to post a landscape at least 3 times and usually when RICK CLORAN was critiquing just to prove it could be done.

So, when I saw this image I was delighted because not only is than an interesting minimalistic image but it has a good story. I really like the texture in the sand and the shadows caused the directional light. For me that is the part that steals the show. The strength of the image is the plant in the sand. The struggle of survival in a hostile environment. I think that story works. I think this is a strong image as it stands. but I'll still offer a few random thoughts. First, I'm not thrilled about the diagonal horizon. I know it starts from the warm blush in the sky on the left and points down toward the plant (leading line?) But I think it takes interest away from the plant. Ideally I would prefer no sky and no horizon just the plant in the sand. It would make the image even more minimal, strengthen the story and it would have absolutely no distractions.

Thanks for posting this
And Welcome to the group   Posted: 02/06/2025 02:02:00

Butch Mazzuca   Butch Mazzuca
Once again I learned something from you - I was so focused on getting down low it never occurred to me to take a higher perspective to eliminate the sky and accentuate the rippled sand. I guess I just don't like shooting down on subjects that are at ground level, but I will the next time :-) Thank you for your comments Larry   Posted: 02/06/2025 21:52:18
Larry Treadwell   Larry Treadwell
It is all about keeping the image clearn. Ideally you would want a rising sanddune behind the plant. It it you can't have that then eliminate distractions.   Posted: 02/06/2025 22:38:27

Susan Cifaldi   Susan Cifaldi
I was at the NP about 1 and a 1/2 years ago. It's an amazing place, with gypsum sands. Had a difficult time walking around to the top, a hostile environment indeed, but lots of other people had no problems -- there were adults and kids both using "saucer" sleds to ride down the dunes, just like we do in the snow!

I love the portrayal of the struggle, which is belied by the simplistic beauty of the plant. Really nice!

  Posted: 02/07/2025 21:56:33

Butch Mazzuca   Butch Mazzuca
Thank you for your kind words Susan - and yes, the "Saucer Kids" can really mark up for freshly wind-blown sand :-(   Posted: 02/07/2025 22:01:28


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