This was shot at the Metal Mulisha compound, which is arguably one of the most important places for freestyle motocross. So just going there is already an honor. Being able to shoot is extra special. This was shot with a Canon 1Dx and a Canon 8-15mm. f4.5 and 1/1250.
I had one flash to work as a back light and light up the dust cloud that forms where the rider takes off and another flash to light up the rider on my right. I would have loved to be able to frame the beginning of the landing so it shows how far those guys travel on those jumps, but I couldn't make it work due to how steep the sides of the landing are. Still, I think it's a cool shot, and I think it portrays well how gnarly this sport is.
The trick is actually called “double heart attack.”
6 comments posted
Bruce Benson
Andre, the scene showing the stars, blue sky, and golden sunset make your images stand out from others. The rider is a bit small in the frame for my old eyes but still an impressive image. Bruce   Posted: 02/02/2025 22:27:19
Andre Magarao
Thank you so much, Bruce. Yeah. The rider is a little far away. But this jump in particular is special because it's such a big jump and the riders travel really far away. So I think it's important to show that too.   Posted: 02/03/2025 00:50:00
Dr Isaac Vaisman
Andre, you are indeed the master in flash illumination. Great shot. I like the sunset light in the background. I am surprised that they are still jumping in the dark.   Posted: 02/03/2025 20:42:42
Andre Magarao
thank you so much, Isaac. It's not that dark. The ambient light is just very underexposed. Probably around 2 stops underexposed maybe even 3.
I'm also pretty good friends with these guys. So I'm comfortable asking them to keep going if the sunset is really special or something like that and they are also very comfortable telling me it's too dark.   Posted: 02/04/2025 00:08:59
Ronald Davis
Hi Andre. Agree with the comments made by Bruce, "rider a bit small". This makes the photo for me more of a landscape photo with a rider included and very anonymous. As viewers we cannot tell who he or she is but we can see the great lighting, even the flash capture of the plants through the middle of the photo. A very creative photo.   Posted: 02/04/2025 23:06:23
Don James
Hi Andre - great photo and agree with Ronald that this is more of a landscape shot. I love the hues, the sky, and the sun setting, as well as the "spark" from the flash. I also agree the rider is a bit small and you can't see his face. Looking at it for the first time, I was thinking it might have been nice to capture a little more of his face to get the expression given what looks like a dangerous jump! No doubt I'm certain the rider was intently focused. Creative and love the shot otherwise!   Posted: 02/06/2025 03:09:50