Bruce Benson
About the Image(s)
Title: USA vs Nigeria World Cup
Taken at the 2013 FIFA World Cup in Vancouver, BC, Canada, I was fortunate to photograph the games for a Swedish magazine. The USA player is Becky Sauerbruun, not sure of the Nigerian player.
Camera and Lens: Canon 1DX/ Canon 400 2.8
Settings: f.4 1/1250 ISO 1250
2 comments posted
Dr Isaac Vaisman
Bruce, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here the face expression on the players are priceless, not to mention peak of action. I envy your bottomless collection of soccer images. Great composition.   Posted: 01/04/2025 17:09:34
Andre Magarao
That's awesome, Bruce. It must be really cool to shoot these high profile events! I've always dreamt of shooting something like that.   Posted: 01/05/2025 18:23:50