Bruce Benson  

Benson Soccer vs Marin SC by Bruce Benson

November 2024 - Benson Soccer vs Marin SC

About the Image(s)

Title: Benson Soccer vs Marin SC

About the image: Taken in Frederickshaven, Denmark at the Dana Cup No. 1 international football tournament. The red team is my team, and the blue team is from Marin, California. Since 1983 I have taken over 1,000 young soccer players and many parents around the world to play in international soccer tournaments.

The Dana Cup hosts around 300 teams from many countries. My wife and I organized a team each year to compete in different tournaments around the world. We played in Denmark and Sweden many times and were fortunate to win the Dana Cup many times. Sometimes we dominated so much that I was able to get out my camera and capture great images. We won the championship trophy beating Marin 2-1. Good light allowed me to do only mild cropping to the image.

Canon 1D MK III/Canon 400 2.8
F 2.8 1/1600 ISO 1600

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5 comments posted

Ronald Davis   Ronald Davis
Hi Bruce. A fine capture of two players trying to head the ball both have their eyes closed which is different. Some may say the white blurred post going behind the red jumper player is a distraction but we cannot choose the ideal position always as players are not static in soccer.   Posted: 11/13/2024 04:24:13

Don James   Don James
Great picture, Bruce. Very sharp and the action is frozen. I agree with Ronald, but nothing you can do as he shares. Otherwise, I like what you've captured. Congrats on winning the championship trophy as well!   Posted: 11/14/2024 00:59:13

Bruce Benson   Bruce Benson
Thanks Don I appreciate your comment. Bruce   Posted: 11/14/2024 01:10:22

Dr Isaac Vaisman   Dr Isaac Vaisman
Bruce, besides the peak of action, the faces expression makes this image. Congratulations for having a team with your name and winning so many trophy's.   Posted: 11/14/2024 17:01:35

Gerald Emmerich Jr   Gerald Emmerich Jr
Great action and facial expressions. I think cropping out the crossbar at the top allows the viewer to better see the action without the background distraction.   Posted: 11/30/2024 00:24:58
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