David Kepley  

Lighthouse and mountains by David Kepley

July 2024 - Lighthouse and mountains

About the Image(s)

My wife and I just returned to a trip to Victoria, BC. We took a whale watch and while the whales were fun to watch, I was really excited to see the mountains in Olympic NP from the sea. The lighthouse was a special bond! I thought the scene worked best in B&W. What do you think?

Setings: Sony RX100 VI, 63mm, 1/1600 sec, f7.1, ISO 125. I converted this to B&W using NIK silver effects pro.

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8 comments posted

Josh Lohff   Josh Lohff
Hi David

I really wish we could do away with, or at least increase, the file size limits. My camera club here in Boise, ID does the same thing. If it's 1999, we're all using dialup, storage is expensive, etc., I get it, but come on.

Anyway, the reason I brought it up is because I'm guessing this image looks different in full resolution, but my attention was immediately caught by what I'm guessing are characteristics of file size and quality reduction to achieve the miniscule maximum file size.

My rant aside, I really like the composition of your image (I'm a sucker for lighthouses too :)). I like how the dip in the mountains lines up nicely w/the lighthouse and the clouds add a nice balance as well. There are some pretty distinct layers in this image that I think work well too, and I appreciate that the top of the lighthouse just stays inside the fog line.

Nothing jumps out at me to offer-up from a suggestion standpoint, but I would be interested in seeing the color version.

Josh   Posted: 07/15/2024 23:09:45

David Kepley   David Kepley
Thanks for your kind words about my image! I have attached the color version, which I also like!   Posted: 07/17/2024 15:52:47
Comment Image

Alan Kiecker   Alan Kiecker
My wife and I also have an affinity for lighthouses with our collection of photos approaching 200 lighthouses. After comparing the B&W version to the color version I think I prefer the color version. The clouds in the B&W version seem to almost overpower the image while I don't have this feeling with the color version.

Thanks for sharing!   Posted: 07/22/2024 13:56:36
David Kepley   David Kepley
Alan, Thanks for your feedback. One of the things I really liked about the color version was the red roof on the lighthouse. Really draws the eye to it.   Posted: 07/22/2024 14:09:28
Alan Kiecker   Alan Kiecker
Yes, the red roof certainly draws the eye to the lighthouse.   Posted: 07/22/2024 14:16:16

Tyrah Lawson
I agree that this image works best in black and white. I like the different layers in the image with water, the lighthouse, fog, mountains, and clouds. At first before I read what you wrote I thought the water was actually sand since I have seen some black sand beaches with lighthouses. This misconception must be due to the image file size. Once I relooked at it I could tell it was water.   Posted: 07/23/2024 23:53:55
David Kepley   David Kepley
Well when I took the picture I was most attracted to the layers of water land,fog, mountain cloud.   Posted: 07/23/2024 23:57:04

Craig Callan   Craig Callan
A truly spectacular image. After saying that, I wonder what it would look like if you opened up the shadows a bit, I would have appreciated a little more detail in the mountains, and I think the underside of the clouds are perhaps a little too dramatic   Posted: 07/26/2024 21:24:17