Group 49 Bulletin Board
5 threads - 17 total comments
This page is dedicated to discussions about our theme (General Photography) that are outside the scope of our monthly images.
Thread Title: Photographic Society of America PTD Competition Corner
Hello, everyone! After reading Nadia⬙s entry in the PSA supplemental Travel Journal, I thought it was important enough to re-post in the Digital Dialogue group pages. Here, we are reminded that ⬓changing reality⬠is not allowed in PSA Travel Photography competition. In addition, I also want to stress the need to appropriately categorize one⬙s work if using ⬓composite⬠techniques (including sky replacement) by tagging the work as a Hybrid Image, primarily when competing outside the Travel Photography category.
Below is a shortened version of Nadia Filiaggi⬙s original post in this months Travel Photography Journal.
Photography Travel is a documentary medium, and our images must reflect what was seen when we pressed the shutter. Removing, adding to, moving, or changing any part of an image except for cropping and straightening is not allowed. This goes for adding a different sky even if you are the author of the sky that is being replaced. (Please see the images below for reference).
(Note that using an element on an image that is not your own work cannot be entered into any section of a PSA recognized Exhibitions and is in violation of the PSA Ethics Policy).
Here are some examples showing the sky replacements selected from the Photoshop sky replacement facility: Here, it is evident how each Sky Replacement selection changes the mood and overall aesthetic of the original registered event below. Nonetheless, both examples are not authentic and thus ineligible to be used in PSA image competition.
The ⬘2023 Photo Travel Guide for Judges and Chairs⬙ is available for download on the Photo Travel⬙s webpage:
The Photo Travel Division has also set up a Gallery of staged/set-up images which our members can peruse:
We have also produced new educational material that relates to the 2023 Guide:
If you are uncertain if your image adheres to the Photo Travel Definition, please make use of the free Photo Travel Evaluation Service which members can access after login:
We look forward to hearing from you and directing your questions to the appropriate PSA administrator.
Originally posted by:
Nadia Filiaggi MPSA EFIAP
Best regards,
Lance A. Lewin (DD83 and DD87 Admin)
PSA B&W Photography Mentor
PSA South Atlantic Area Membership Director
  Posted: 03/29/2023 01:44:31
Below is a shortened version of Nadia Filiaggi⬙s original post in this months Travel Photography Journal.
Photography Travel is a documentary medium, and our images must reflect what was seen when we pressed the shutter. Removing, adding to, moving, or changing any part of an image except for cropping and straightening is not allowed. This goes for adding a different sky even if you are the author of the sky that is being replaced. (Please see the images below for reference).
(Note that using an element on an image that is not your own work cannot be entered into any section of a PSA recognized Exhibitions and is in violation of the PSA Ethics Policy).
Here are some examples showing the sky replacements selected from the Photoshop sky replacement facility: Here, it is evident how each Sky Replacement selection changes the mood and overall aesthetic of the original registered event below. Nonetheless, both examples are not authentic and thus ineligible to be used in PSA image competition.
The ⬘2023 Photo Travel Guide for Judges and Chairs⬙ is available for download on the Photo Travel⬙s webpage:
The Photo Travel Division has also set up a Gallery of staged/set-up images which our members can peruse:
We have also produced new educational material that relates to the 2023 Guide:
If you are uncertain if your image adheres to the Photo Travel Definition, please make use of the free Photo Travel Evaluation Service which members can access after login:
We look forward to hearing from you and directing your questions to the appropriate PSA administrator.
Originally posted by:
Nadia Filiaggi MPSA EFIAP
Best regards,
Lance A. Lewin (DD83 and DD87 Admin)
PSA B&W Photography Mentor
PSA South Atlantic Area Membership Director
  Posted: 03/29/2023 01:44:31
Thread Title: Fine Art Photography Article: Compositional Structure
PSA Fine Art Photography Article: Compositional Structure
Hello, everyone! Hope you take the time to read my article in
The March issue of the PSA Journal, which can be found on the
PSA website if you do not currently receive the hard-copy of the
Journal. I very much look forward to your comments.
You can also Follow the Link below. Thank you.
Lance A. Lewin
PSA B&W Photography Mentor
PSA South Atlantic Area Membership Director
  Posted: 03/19/2023 21:38:27
Hello, everyone! Hope you take the time to read my article in
The March issue of the PSA Journal, which can be found on the
PSA website if you do not currently receive the hard-copy of the
Journal. I very much look forward to your comments.
You can also Follow the Link below. Thank you.
Lance A. Lewin
PSA B&W Photography Mentor
PSA South Atlantic Area Membership Director
  Posted: 03/19/2023 21:38:27
A special not to Group 49 Members: the same issue contains an article from our own Alan Kiecker on photographing frozen bubbles. You may remember that he shared one of these photos with us a month or two ago. Way to go, Alan!   Posted: 03/20/2023 02:51:10
Thanks Craig. It was a fun project, both the actual photography and writing the article.   Posted: 03/29/2023 03:43:23
Thread Title: PSA education
i just wanted to recommend some of the PSA online photography courses that i have taken. I completed the image analysis 2 years ago and it was very good. I completed the History of Photography in January. This was almost at the level of a college course. Excellent course. I am now a student of the Creating images for Competition. This is rigorous. I know i will be a better photographer when i complete it. I have 6 months to complete.
i recommend those courses. I am sure the others are of the same high quality.   Posted: 03/13/2021 00:02:11
i recommend those courses. I am sure the others are of the same high quality.   Posted: 03/13/2021 00:02:11
Thank you very much.   Posted: 03/13/2021 00:13:00
Hi Fred, I am the admin for group 43 and noticed your post regarding courses. I too have taken the Image Analysis course and found it extremely beneficial not only in DD, but in judging for my camera club too. I am considering taking the History of Photography course, but don't want to bite off more than I can chew. Can you tell me approximately how much time you spent each week working on this between assignments. Also any thing else you could tell me about it would be very much appreciated.
Bruce   Posted: 03/13/2021 23:41:53
Bruce   Posted: 03/13/2021 23:41:53
How do you find classes? The website is at best confusing.   Posted: 03/13/2021 23:55:44
David, Sign in to the Members Only Portal, then look under Education>Online Courses. Allow me to recommend the Photoshop Course, since I took it last fall as a prelude to being certified as an instructor for that course. I am just finishing with my certification, and I should be unleashed on the PSA in a month or two.   Posted: 03/20/2023 02:46:20
Thread Title: ideas for images
Would like some ideas of how you select images for the group to review. I would like to develop more artistic images but I am not sure if there are boundaries to photographic submissions.   Posted: 03/12/2021 23:57:05
This is a general photo group. Often members in other groups are looking for suggestions before they submit the image to competition. But it doesn't matter to me what you want you are planning to do with the image as far as I am concerned.
When you post the image, you can tell us what you are using the image for and ask us specifically what you want us to comment on or focus on.   Posted: 03/13/2021 00:09:38
When you post the image, you can tell us what you are using the image for and ask us specifically what you want us to comment on or focus on.   Posted: 03/13/2021 00:09:38
Years ago I entered competitions --- I am not there now -- maybe in a year or two I will go back. My purpose now is to grow, improve, and develop .... I once took private lessons with a coach...I appreciate any help the group gives.   Posted: 03/13/2021 00:15:37
JoAnne - sometimes I submit one that I plan to eventually enter in competition and would like comments on how I might improve it. Sometimes I am looking for help, i.e. I have a post-processing problem and would like advice on how I might solve it. And sometimes I have something I'd like to share with the group, something that others might learn from. But mostly I submit photos just to share, not really looking for anything in return.   Posted: 03/14/2021 00:28:16
Thread Title: Welcome to Our Bulletin Board
Hello Everyone! This is our place to discuss general photography that is outside the scope of the specific images each month.   Posted: 03/12/2021 22:47:28
I think this is a GREAT idea!   Posted: 03/12/2021 22:50:01