Josh Lohff  

Sunset Meadow by Josh Lohff

July 2024 - Sunset Meadow

About the Image(s)

Canon R5 / RF 15-35 f/2.8L IS USM & 1/15 sec @ f/22, ISO 100, 17 mm (tripod)

I captured this image recently, on a wildflower workshop in the Sawtooth mountains, out of Stanley ID. My goal for this image was to focus on the wildflowers in bloom, but honor the rest of the components of the landscape as well.

I brought the exposure in the sky down a bit, cleaned up a bunch of the mosquitoes that showed up (they looked like sensor dust / dirty lens), and did a little cleanup on the flowers too.

Additionally, I had to correct the trees on the left due to the wide angle tilt that sometimes results, so they're standing more straight up. For the ground, I had to generally bring the exposure up, as this image was captured in pretty low light.

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13 comments posted

David Kepley   David Kepley
Beautifully composed and beautifully rendered! I love that you have exceptional sharpness from front to back and that you have that wonderful starburst! Too bad you d=id not have a couple of clouds in the sky, but you have very little sky, so that's not a big deal. Minor suggestion is that you might consider cropping out the clump of flowers on the lower middle right edge. It has the effect of taking the viewer's eye away from the subject. An easy fix! Bravo!   Posted: 07/15/2024 20:59:10
Josh Lohff   Josh Lohff
Hi Dave

Thank man! I was pretty excited about this one too. That entire week was annoyingly cloudless, but I suppose I could explore a little sky replacement.

That's funny you noticed the flowers, I did remove some of them (perhaps I should have left those), but if I pulled the bottom one that remains, it leaves a green space there that felt weird. Damned if you do, damned if you don't ;)

Thanks for the kind words sir - very much appreciated!!
Josh   Posted: 07/15/2024 23:08:12
Josh Lohff   Josh Lohff
Hi David

Alan suggested removing the flower and cropping up from the bottom, so I did that and uploaded a fresh copy below. While I was at it, I took your advice and removed the flower but didn't crop (see attached).

I thought I'd tried this previously and ruled it out, but I think I like it more this way, so not sure why I'd have done that ;)

Alas, thanks again for the feedback!
Josh   Posted: 07/22/2024 19:22:53
Comment Image

Tyrah Lawson
I like the overall composition of this photograph. The highlights on the purple flowers and the meadow go well with crisp starburst that you were able to get get. Additionally, I like the lower light on the mountains in the background. For me, this draws my eye from front to back through the middle of the photograph but I also feel like I can "feel" the grass that the flowers are in as the textures feel crisp.   Posted: 07/19/2024 20:16:22
Josh Lohff   Josh Lohff
Hi Tyrah, thanks for the feedback, it's generous :)   Posted: 07/19/2024 20:32:19

Stephen Jude   Stephen Jude
Josh, Such a beautiful image, really nice ! Composition, colour palette, technical ... all executed very well. I would be very happy with myself if I was to take something like that !
The only small thing I could offer would be maybe to draw a gradient mask over the top right corner of the image to take a small amount of the heat/highlight out of the sky, other than that ... love it, well done.
Cheers   Posted: 07/20/2024 03:08:16
Josh Lohff   Josh Lohff
Good Morning Stephen!

Thanks for the feedback sir. I tried knocking a little of the brightness/highlights on the top right corner down, but struggled w/the transition between the sun's starburst and the sky (and keeping it realistic looking), so didn't share a copy here.

I'll let you know if I come up with anything worth sharing though.

Thanks again!
Josh   Posted: 07/20/2024 12:04:06

Alan Kiecker   Alan Kiecker
Josh, this is a wonderful landscape photo! It is all very well executed. Sharp from front to back, wonderful star pattern with the sun, composition is spot on. You could remove the flower at bottom center and crop up a tad, but certainly not necessary.

Thanks for sharing with us!   Posted: 07/22/2024 13:47:14
Josh Lohff   Josh Lohff
Hi Alan

Thanks for the kind words and the suggestion (always appreciated). Attached is a copy w/the flower removed and the crop pulled up a bit from the bottom. I like it... I feel like I tried it previously and felt like I didn't, but this feels stronger. Unfortunately, I've already sent it off for print for our fair competition. Oh well, we learn and move on!

Thanks again
Josh   Posted: 07/22/2024 19:20:49
Comment Image
Alan Kiecker   Alan Kiecker
I like it!!   Posted: 07/22/2024 19:39:49

Craig Callan   Craig Callan
Hi Josh, I'll wait while you take the call from National Geographic on the other line. I like the image without the extra cropping since the bottom flower adds even more depth.   Posted: 07/26/2024 21:17:47
Josh Lohff   Josh Lohff
LOL, thanks Craig! Also, I ordered its print for competition prior to considering cropping it, so appreciate the kudos on that direction.   Posted: 07/26/2024 21:59:09
Josh Lohff   Josh Lohff
LOL, thanks Craig! Also, I ordered its print for competition prior to considering cropping it, so appreciate the kudos on that direction.   Posted: 07/27/2024 21:15:58