Josh Lohff  

You & Me by Josh Lohff

January 2025 - You & Me

About the Image(s)

Canon EOS R5 / RF 50mm F/1.2 L USM & 1/40 sec @ f/8.0, ISO 100, 50 mm (shot from tripod)

I recently purchased a 50 mm prime and set myself the task of using it for pretty much all of my shooting for the foreseeable future. It seemed like a good challenge, one that would make me think differently, and force me to approach situations and shoots differently from how I might have previously.

When the opportunity to shoot Idaho's state capitol came up, I'd normally have jumped for my 15-35 mm or a few other options, so being limited to just 50 mm was a fun challenge. This image came from that shoot.

This is an HDR from 3 different exposures and actually works pretty well in color too, but something about the monochrome really spoke to me.

After creating the HDR rendering, I brought the highlights down just a little and opened the shadows a bit, but that's about it.

2 comments posted

Alan Kiecker   Alan Kiecker
A challenge such as what you have set for yourself is not only fun, but it pushes you to look at things just a bit differently giving your photography a fresh new look. I like the composition. It does seem a bit flat, not a full range of tones. Although you did an HDR rendering of the scene, the lights are still pretty much blown out. I would like to see a bit more detail in them.   Posted: 01/10/2025 22:16:59
Josh Lohff   Josh Lohff
Hi Alan

Thanks for the feedback man, I always appreciate you taking the time. I'm wondering if the version that exported is displaying poorly for some reason. When I look at this image in Lightroom, the bright spots aren't blown out and I can see details in the lights down to the lightbulb themselves. The histogram runs the full gamut from blacks to whites and everything in between (I'll upload a copy) - who knows!

As far as it being flat, are you thinking it needs more blacks, i.e., the histogram should be leaning more to the left overall? Just curious if this is something that could be addressed in post, or if it's a capture issue.

Thanks again Alan!   Posted: 01/22/2025 02:40:27
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